Minutes 1953-01-21 A oyo Grande ~alifornia ~ac,~y3~ The City Conncil met in regular session and Counci].2nan Waiters presided a.s i~ia~ox 3n the absence of ~ayor Simpson, Who was ill~ Present were Councilmen Kerr~ Waiters, Burt and Sturges. Absent, Niayor ~impson. '1'he ntinutes of the previoua regular and a~journed meetinga ~ere read and approved as read. ~ letter from the Board of Supervisors in regard to 5.13 acreas of land on the Mesa wAS read and d~.scusaed. This piece of property was ~old to the City for a dump site and the ~ounty wished to get the property back as the ~ity was not m~a.king use of it. It was moved and seemed that the matter be held over until the Councilmen had more time to look over the situation. The bid from the i~iona @lub for a portion of the City Park property xas opened and a.s Mr. Harria Was not present it was sgreed to hold up the bid until ~~oti].d h~~av~the agreement ready for signatures. ~'.e~ r~~Ce.,,,,~,~l Co Councilm~n St ges ported vn the meeting ~ith the High School Board of Trustees and :"ir. .Anderson wzs to complete h3s ~urvey and The ~ity would partici- pate as far as they utere able to on the pro~ect~ Mr. Anderson was inatructed to proceed irith the surv~ey. Councilman Sturges reported he had been approached by property owners on Cypreas abont a Water line installation before they did street xork. It xas agreed to make more study on the Water Ordinanc~ before acting on the Water line. , It ~a~s recon~medded that Mr. Anderson advise Mineau and Loomis that the City would not do the engineering work on the sewer lines in the tract they would only inspect and supervise the lines shall be put t,o gradel Mr. ~tnderson reported he had talked with Dixon Conrad in respect to the Dog Ordinance s~nd the Coiutcil agreed to cooperate with the other officials and ~ thought it would be agraesib~e to let them u8e a part of the sewer Parm Iand as part of the ~ities contribution to the Pound. The Clerk was instructed to get the City and County assessed valu~itions on Wt~tern Addition ~nd on t,he South ~s~ Alpine Area and they could then determine iP there wAS enough v~lua,tion for asses ment or I~rovement District. Couneilman Waiters revie~red the use of the old City nall for ft~creation and A motion Was made by ~ouncilmrin 8turges, seconded by ~ouncilmnn Kerr author- " iBing Recreation ~o~uunis~ion to hAVe the use and handling of the building, moticn _J_ carried. ~ The Chid'of Police requested the purchase of a neY Police Car and the mat- t~r ~a~ diacussed and Councilman Sturges, Finance ~o~issiober said he xanted time to look over the budget bePere authorizing-purchase of a nex car. It xas agreed - to ad3ourn the meeting until Monday January 26, 1953 at 7:00 Pm. for final action on purchase oP a car. The new Plu~}bing Ordinance xas read forthe first time. RESOLUTION ~ 285 Be it resol~ed by the City ~ouncil of the City oP Arroyo Grande~ that in the ev+ent the widenir,g of the 101 Highway uses the full width of the bridge~ that the Divisian of Highwa~ be requested to install sidexalks on both outersides of the bridge. , Qn motion of ~ouneilman Struges, seconded by Councilman Burt the foregoing resolution ~as adopted by the following roll call vote: AYESs Couacilm~n Waiters, Kerr, Burt and Sturges NOFSt None ABSENT: Mayor 5im~,son ~ 236 . _ ~ , ~ ~ ~ i~.1.s a~tinst the general Fund !or L~ ~ and the xater F~~' tccYrr ^ Were audited, approved~ and ordere~`paid. ~ No further business appearing and upon mct n the ~eeting Was ad~ourned Lo Kc~day January 2b, 1953, at *{s00 PM. , 1 • . ~ wTTF~T: . danuary Zb,~953 The City ~onncil met ia ad~ournad sesa~ion xith Councilman Waiters preaiding in the ~Ibsenee oP I~Iaayor ~ia~pson, ~ouncilman pre~ent ~rere Waiter~, ~arr, Burt~and Sturgea. ~ Ths pnvpose of the meeting ~rae to dis~cnsa the bud'get and decide it' a ne~ ~ar xae to be purcha.sed for the police Dept. Councilman 3turgea reportad ofl the budget so far and there i?as a I~n~tt~y discnssion about the receipts and expenditiites and budget balan~es. Couneil~san Kerr moved and ~ouncilms~n Burt aeconded the motion to iEdwr- tise tor a bid an a natir police car~ bida to be opened Februxry 10, 1953, ~ 8i~ ~ motion by ~ounciLnan St~wrges seconded by Counciln~an Kerr IuLho~'i~,air~ l~ir. waderson tc~ attend a Build3ng ~oi~tf'erenee meeting in San Jose~ Februu~y aAd a~eti~g on Co~rtxetion of roads and to be held in Berkeley February t~~5,and 6, No more busine3a appea 1ng tt~e meeting Was ad~o ed. ; , AT'TEST: ~ The aeting ~or asked if ar~,yone present wished to appose the chnnge in .~csni~g as aha~m on the 1~Lp and no one present apposed. It xaa agree~d ~e continue t~e hearing on the change as Hr. Harris xas not present with the Ordi~ance on the ~hange. ~ ~~a<~:-,,. ~'a