Minutes 1953-02-18 _ F ~r~~ . ~,t~royo (iraund~, CaliY. • ~8, ~ys:3 The C3ty Council ~st in r~gulsr sesaian ~ith Mayor Simpson preaiding. Upan roll call councilmen Waitere, Burt and 3turgee reportsd pre~eat. Council- ~aan gerr arrS.v~ed a little later. . Th* minutse of the prevEious regular and ad~o~urnsd ~eeting vere read and approvdd as read. • Msyor 3impaan annaunced•the firet order of busirieaa xae to appoint a sa~ber to 8erve an the Planaing Co~mnission to replace Qard ~oo~ais Kho had recent~y resf.gned. A mctian x~s ma~de by Councilman ~iaitera, seconded by Co~u?ciLa~ Kerr to agpoint H. 8. PMllipe to till the unecpired term of Mr. I.oomia. 1t11. ~bsre ~oted ~rs . Chie! of Poliae Mise rtcawmended that stop signs be ordersd f cr anpr atre~te ~ntering oato C~raud Ave auid alao on ~aldyon Road a~d tt~ Nortt? ba~d lane on ~1.der ~rhers it enters anto Fair Oake X-v~enue and it xas reco~nded a dosen stop aig~ be ord~red aad a R~aolutiorl be prepar~d atithorisirig the locat3.ons for ~bs aigna. Th~ c2~.ef alao aaloed if it waald be poesible to hav~s the xord atap pai~ut~d on Bridge 3~reet xhsre ths atop sign ia located for the stop at Nelsaa S'~rs~t. Gouncil~an Sturgea~ r~ad the report ot the ao~ittes cn Branch Str~et P~king. Co~nci].maaz St~rges made a motioa, sscc~d~d by Counail~an 1~ait~ra tlaat th~ rsport bs ~aacU a part ot tbe ~inutes of this neeting: Tos Ths Cit~ C~ail of Arroyo (hcande. Snb~~ct: Parking on Branch Street~ a rsport o~ ita probleae and t?bi~r prropom~d eolntiona. . ,As th~ parki~ng problea along Branch 3tr~et haa beac~s critical arid ainc~ non~ ot the rrabdial measur~s yet t~loen have allaviated t~e co~dition to a~pr not~e~a3~1~ aztent th~ u~lsrsignmd cc~ei.tte Was appointed to at~r th~ problfa ~d ~In reeomradatiana for i.m~ediste and long-range corrsctivr aation. I~riag t~h• acairee of t.hi~ aae~dtte's atudiea~ the follcning obaervationa xsrs noted that have a bearing an t~he probls~ ar~d ars herexith emn~erated aa thsy sre the baeia for the ,cc,u~itte ~a rsca~eesadationa t . Parking congestian on Branch Street~ dus to inadequate "shogper parking" facilitiea, truck unloading, snd dcauble parking, often creat~a ~ critiaal condition vhich ixpedee the narn~al ancl aafe flcyw of traf~ic. 2. Thia lsak o~ adsquals psrking apace anci th~ caageatio~ oiten pretailing ia a definite detriment to the buain~as hous~s. 3. Tha nsed for xore close-in parking area id definitsly ~ indieated to handle the present buaine~a, sepecially during peak shopping perioda. . 1~. Many potential cnatomers, eapecielly xa~en, heeitate to ahop on Branch Street because of the ditficulty in "psrkin; parallel"' This poiats aut the desirsbility of ot!-st~reet parking facilitiea. ~40 ~ ~ ~ 5. Parall~l parldng o~n Hrsnoh St~ssst is neoesaary, as a 8tatt • laY proh~bit~e df.agcma]. parking on State high~a,pa .(Br~mah 3trs~t ia a aecondary 3tatm highwa~y.} Tao, diagc~nal parkina ha~ beat p~arerri ~r tiaes sore hasardoua than par~llel parki~t a~nd ia entirely ixpra~ticael. oa a narroir 3tr~et. 6. Th~ grsatest ~ont.ributing factor to the parking proble~ and ~ratYia co~tgeation fa the ue].oa~ding ~srahandia~e tra~ka xhich at~ often park~d bm~psr to bna~per eapecially along th~ south side o~ Branch Street. (It ia tbe op~aian cf ~a aanaitt+e~ : that any r~asdial meaaurea, to be effectiv~e, ~nst cf ~ceastty iacluds the re~amral of this condition.) Short Strest ie al~st a~c~tal loaa aa far ae "ahoppsr p~tk#.ng" ia c~nc~rn•d as ita pais~king apaaea are uenally ?S~ nu~ bT btssin~aa crwnera' and saplayres ~ cara. 8. IIaleas this co~gaated a3tns?tion is a~l7.eviated by ~aki~ag ~ee~rs prn~lci~g spa~ available te> ths proepectime anstoneaa and t.h~s inareaaing ths deairability of "ahopping ir? tarm" all Brsnc~ 3#,re~t b~tsineasea sre goiag to aufYer and xill loee increasit3~1T. to thc~es rapidly developing ~hopping csr~ters. ~fiers ~at ths st?er~s parking" is readily avaiZable. ~ th~ baais of ths forsgoing obser~atioria and after prolo~~sd m~d eshaa~s- ti~ s~~jr, thia ao~aittee ~ala~a ~ toll.crwing rsca~Adatians: 1. That an atgr~a~nt be eYrtered into xith the cnt~sr o! ~h~ tnto~nt lot cn t?~ am~tth~rsat carn~sr of Hranch at~d Short St~wte for it~s tt+ire b3r tla~ City sa a pnblic parking lot. {I~ is t~ad~ratood thst 't.~ . c~ea~ is prese~nt~3.y rec~pti~e tc thie agre~asnt an the e~tf:a~ ; that t~h~ City xill till and grada the lc~t and un~srtala tt~ npla~p of aas.) ?his Will add approad~stely 16 parldng st~:; aad it i~ revc~sAdsd that be design~t~sd ae 1 or 2 hour parldn~ • u~tas. _ . 4hat sither ~he City ar s grotlp at asrcl~ta coecerned sa~s~ into sa a~rsa~ent xit~ ths o~sr of the v~cant property dirs~tl~ i~lei~ tbs Poat t~ttlca fo~a nss se an all-da~r psrking lot for, - p~p].ayssa~ ~ara~ releaeing Short Streat Yor shoppar-parking. That ln the ~vent thia agreeasent is a~de th~ City gra~rsl aad ~ th~ lot ior year ~rour~i a~cceaaabilitq. , That 8hort Stree~ sho~].d then be postmd for 1 or 2 hans pat~king~ t~rrb~? opeaing 16 to ~ additic~aal sheppsr-parking spote. T~r adopt~on a~d conem¦nation oi these thrse rec~adatier~s ~re~l.~ _ inaraaee the ~hopper-parking spcta a~ailabl~ xitl~n~cn~~ bl~ of th~ sa~e?rit7 0! bnsi~asss on Sranch Strset fiy apprmci~ats2y 30. That xl~a ths ns~ B~mlc Buildiag 1s coipl~t,sd and l~e~ads 5~;, • i~paro~t~sel~ a similar progran be planr~ed in t~» ~iainity of ~or~ 1h~ada 3tre~t~ a~lording of!-atreet ehop~,er-parkf.u~ ~aciliti~ for t?he T~fsat Brau~tah Strest area. 5. That 20 !t. alleys bs pla~ned behind ths b~aineases bs~ ~ Bsid~e S~reet aad Short Street an the acsuth aide of Bra~?ob~ ~d bs~ww~ 11s~a~ds Strset and tt~s preaent aorth-aouth alleT rigl~t~- o!-x~qr n~zt to •~tkiase~?' e Motor • Part,~ oa th~ north aid~ e>t Branoh, ss ahvwa on Bt~ainess ~i.etrict Ksp ~a. $-80•~~.. 6. Tlut ~ehea thess alle?e u~s inatalled th~ ~ero~mdiee traak m~].o~g b~ abolie~sd trc~a Braach Straet and al.l nnloading aa~is l~d from the alleys . T. That tward thia ssd ~+City Cannoil i~adi~].y start ~ ospttm= dNds and prme~sd xith the aacqnirin~ ot ~hs propes~~ ~rrr ~~s~ a?11~s, xith ~oseT being ~ast aaicle in ths ne~ct tia~al budg~ f'~r tlxrthsr aognisi~ian aa~d i~prave~ant. 'Fnr~h~r, tl~t ths'llk+~M~st~ legal pr~as~s be hsld in aba~acs to use 3;~ +~b~igsted to guar~#~s~ r~?pid ca~pleti~ o! tbis pro,~eQt. • l~any ather lacts ~sre a>nsidsred, bssidea th~ pa~cing prob].~ tba~ l~a~ a ~ bsa•iag cm as~d further indicat~d the deairabilit~r and nsosasitjr of a1T~ier: ~I fe~? ot tb~s~ p~srtimant lacte are here inter~scted: . a. The buainess diatrict has no drainage plari or facilities. an tt~e North side many stores have an acuts drainage problem~ and ~ hsve actvrally beean flooded on a~ny accaaisms. Kany South aide roofs are drained directly into the se~rer~ putting an unnecessary overlaad on thia facility during heavy rains. The planr~d oon- straction oi alleg~a~s could take care of the cc~?plete darmto~rn drainage problem. b. The xater and other ~nains are preseut]~* all ruu da~m Brauch 3treet~ making coetly street alteratians xhen repairs are necea- aaty. T~Tith the ix~stailation of alleys the$e utilitiee eovld be properly placed, alao affarding xore adequate fire protectio~n to ths dc~nto~m area. • . c. It would be a decided advaa~tage to mar~? stare opnere and irould give access to the laarid in the rea,r of their storae that is ncxi virtuall,y uasles~. d. It is a rieceasary ad~ent in the tre~ition to.an up-to-dat,~ amd efficie~nt business district iraat the boardx8lk, horse and iniggy trnm of yeaterd~ fr~ srhich it is nw onlq a atep re~oved. DurLng the co~r8e ot thi8 investigaticaa~ ~ame aerchants enggeated th~ ~cquiaitian o~ s add-block pat~king lot. This cco~m3.ttee fesls that since a pro~sct of this nature ~ould be pri~aril~ for ths beaefit of these asrchs~nts and thair businese that t~he inatigaticm and inve8tigatfon ehould bs n~?de by th~n and pzesented to the City Council xith rscaemsndatia~s and reiteration of ttie x3.llingneee ar~d extent o! the merchants participation. In conclnsio~, thi~ co~ittee xould like to urgently remind the merahants of the aa~teneas of this probl~ and its ispar~t.~aace tc their futur~ buaineaa aa ~ell as to the general ~nelfare of the city and to r~qneet their oocperatio~n and partiaipation to the fullest extent. Councilsaa Dsri~ P. Waitera CountsiL~n . urgee ~ss't. City $ngineer n • . . ersoa, dr. The varic~us reccimaendations xere diacusaed amd~ it ~as recom~s~ied the report be referred to the Planning Co~i.asion for their recoa~sendations. It Naa~ pointsd out it xas a plan for the fu~~re and it ~ras thought certain parta conld~ be carried out no~r to allerrats the shortaga of parking placme. Caxnailma~u Stw~ges__agr~ed to report baek at the next meeting~ on th~ parlring in ba~k oP t~e Pcst Oftiee and aee about an agreement irith Mr. Ca~ame on his lot. It Wa8 th~ugbt best to ha~s ~Cal~aarc?pai~i~~abn Short Street and on the Cala~e lot it it ~ss used. 111].eya ~rare diacussed cn both sides of Branch Street swd it ~?as thought Alleys xv~ld help ~rith the drai.aage problem on the ~crth aide of ths Street. Mayor Simpso~n coaynded the Caa~ti.ttee for their xork an th~ rsport. /~ndreir David~ 9ard Loo~ia aad 8. B. Minean irere preeent to aee abant t 24~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ vst~r Zi~a ia tt~~ Ninea~a and Laord.s Tr~?ct. ~to agrasr~~ caald b~ tom~i ia th~ •irm~s ~2~er~s lor~wer Cc~maaila &ard ~rrsd to patting ia x~ter lines ~ a~d 1Catw1 rsccw¦a~nded that the ~cuncil take ths ~icatio~ ot Miaesu snd Lc~?oad~r ~mcle~c a~riae- ~ent as I~ had aot had ti~ to fansiliarize hiaself ~.th tha Ordiaen~e~ ~:ca~ Rsaol~tiana in r~gerd to mter lines, an ~tiaa oY Ccmnei.Isan Kerr seconded b~r Coxm~i.~ Stwr~ss, it xas s~rssd t,o lay th~ mat~er cnner ~nntil ~hs siex~ regulax srstix~ ot the Ccyuacil. 111 ~smbera vcrted yrs, B&StLtITICN #2~7 . ~ Reaolntian af the City Co~utiail ot ,the City of Arrvyo f1r~ to r~~pt the cl~elic for ~0~.80 lroa ~tu ~iarticyrd Inda~ity Co. !c~ d~?agea to ths° Mota~- Cycls c;r~ vr about Octobmr 195~ ~nd authori.~iu6 the Me~or to sig~ aez ~.f of th~ City. ~ Qe ~totion c~!' Co~lmcilatat~ iTii~era, seconded by Co~anail~aa Stnrg+s~ aAd b~ the tollo~rri~ag roll ca].1 rofi,e: ~ A3SS: Ccw~ci]xeai Siapacm, Kagr~ liaitsr8, Burt and Sturgea HO~: No~s ?BS~T: gc~t The lorsgoirag ~clt~3.a~ waa adopted. ~ Th~ Sepc~t in regard to drainage problena at t2~ n~ High Sahoal xaa r~ad b~ Mr. ~erswz aod diacnsaed aa to the participation on the p~ aff' t~a t'+3~• The rsport fa to be preseated to tttia Fg.gh School Boer~cd iar~ dise~ssi~. ~drs~n Da~id aeked to luv~e a chsags i~ annership of ths approved by ~ Cit,y Co~utdl. Qz x~tian o! Caancil~at~ ~turgea, asea~td l~', Cou~+~fiaan ~sit~srs it xae agrMd to ~pprcvs t2~ trsasfar npac~ prooi at Pnblic , Iiiabilit~? and Prcrpea~'~y Da~~ ~~tra~~ Folicise heid by tbe~ ~d vt~~r? t~' ` properly e~os~utad faith!'~ll. perfor~ae band for ~50~.00 t~.+t a~ ~»rY;F ~ ~igr~ed by t~r pri~ipml.s aa well ae the snrety. Tho baad to a~.;~h 9~ 1956• 1~11. m~~bera ~t~tsd a~~re . . BiiL aga~i.siet t~ c3ea~ral dm~l for #16t)6.59 a~d the ~iattr l~d' ,ttt~.:`~"39~~ • xerr s~ulit~df agpTa~sd a~l m*darsd paid. ~To ~her b~s3.neaa a~ppearing the a~r'Ei~g nes a~d3 . ; . A~'P'1'~: , . ' 1