Minutes 1953-03-04 Arroyo Grande, California March !t, 1953 The City Council met in re~ular session with Mayor Simpson presiding, Upon roll call ~auncilman Kerr, Burt and Sturges reported present, Absent, ~oundilman Waiters. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approned as read. The lctter of resignation from Councilman Waiters was read and a motion was made by Councilman ~turt, seconded by Councilman Kerr, to accept the resignation with regrets and the Council memUers wished to commend Waiters for his f aithful work while on the Council,~ The Council said they would endeavor to appoint a Gounc~l member at the next meetin~ . in the meantime they wckld study the prospects. T~layor Simpson appointed Sturges, Kerr Burt and himself to meet with ME, Kaetzel and work over Ordinance #97 and reword some sections of it. The time after while was set to meet in i~tr~. Kaetzel's office Saturday l~arch 1ltth at 9:00 Ai. The letter from Andrew David confirmin~ the application for Water lines in the Min- eau ~nd Loomis tract which was made at the meeting held February 18th was read and dis- cussed. Refunds on the water line installation was discussed and Mr. David and Mr. . Kaetzel went out to hold 2 conference and report back. Councilman Sturges moved hat refunds be made to Mr. Wood on Tract 7~ on the same basis of the Mineau and Loomis Tract. Ma~ror Simpson ob~ected to the motion as he said , they wished to work over the water Ordinance bef.ore making any mcre A motion was made By Councilman Sturges and seconded by Counci~man Burt authorizing Mayor Simspon to sign on behalf of the City the aoreement with the ~,ions Club and the Deed when it was prepared. Motion carried. It was moved and seconded to publish a notice of abandonment of the corner of 101 ~eo'~a8'7~ highway and Va~lley road and a hearing to be held ~4areh 18, 1953 at 8:00 PM. Carried.~, Mr. Kaetzel and Mr. David returned and explained the method of making refunds on ~ the water line and a motion was made by Councilman Sturges to acc~pt the ap~lication for the installation ef the Irlineau and Loomis water line and they be installed in accordance with Ordinance #97 and that Mr. Anderson be authorized to advertize £or bids on the ].aying of the line. Councilman Kerr seconded the motion and all members voted Aye. The h~ading of Ordinance ~107 ~oae:read and it was mo~red and seconded to dispense with the balnn,Ce of the Ordinance. ORDN~?NCE # ].p~ AN ORDIN~NCE PROVIDING FOR THE E:~TABLISHEMEENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFORNIA, AND RN'GULAZ'ING THE USES OF PROPERTY THER~IN, ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING SAZD ZONES, DEFINING THE TERi~1S USED IN THIS ORDINANCE, PROVIDING FOR ITS ADJUSTMENT, EN- FORCEMENl AND AMENDMENT, PR~;SCRIBING PEN~ILT2 ~~S FOR 'TIOLATIONS AIdD REPEALING ANY ORDIN- pNCE OR 1'OH'I'IONS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HERE6~ITH. : 24~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ On motion ot Couricilman Kerr seconded by Ccuncilman Burt and on the follo~ting: roll call vote: towit: pYES: Councilman Simspon~ Kerr, Burt and Sturges, . ATOES = None ABSEIJT t None It was agreed to havr a dinner meeting of the City Couneil and the Plann3.~g Commission on March 13th. Mr. Anderson was authorized to purchase some !t inch transite pipe the mac~unt to be kept under $1000. „ Bills against the G~R~~.al Fund for ~3o69~the Water Fl.ind for $1l~77.58 and the Water ~posit Fund for ~28.00 were audited~ approved, ar_d ordered paid. A motion was m~de by Councilman Sturges seconded by Councilman Kerr auth~arizing t~~ tra~sfer pf v~ite~prs l~33, 3~, 35, 36, 37, and 38. Motion carried. It was agreed to rent the house at the ~ame figure of ~~5.0~ per Aconth plua ~3,4g for electric bill when the parties now renting move out. No further business appearing, and upon motion the meet was ad3ouraed,- . : ~ ~ ~ ATTESTr , ~ y erk ayor ~ RLSOLUTION ~ 287-A \F~ A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO V~CATE, ABANDON AND CLOSE A PORTIO~[ OF VALLSY ROAD, IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, COUI+TTY OF SAN LUZS ~BISPO, STATE OF CAISFORNIA. On motimn aY C~unci].man Sturg~~ and sec~nd~d by CQUncilman K~rr ar~d ~n ths foll~t~ring r~11 call v0te, to urita . . AYFS: C~u~cil.man Simpsan, K~rr, Burt and Sturges NOES: Nene AB:i~1T: Cour?cilman Wait~rs ~ Th~ ~or~geing R~solutian was adepted this ltth day of March, 1953.