Minutes 1953-03-28 ~ ~~7
Arz~oyo (3r s~ de~ C al if orn ia~
March 28, 1953
Th~ Cit~r Council met in Special Session xith Hayor Sin~pson presiding. Upon
roll ca12 Cound].nnan Kerr~ Burt and Sturges reparted pa~esent. ~ba~nt Councilman
Th~ purpose oY the Special m~eetir~ wa8 to authari~ the aending. o! telagrmna
or mesa~age~ to Seuator Erhart and dames M. Silliman, Assemblym~ fran this distri ct~
proteatLng the passago of S.B.-1100 ana ~?s-161~ai61a.-lb,~,2 and 21~29. The Council
~rant cm record as being apposed to the p~.seag~ o~' the bills and st mot.ion x~,a mads
by Councilms~n ~turgea~ seconded by Co~cilman Kerr~ to go on recoa~d sgai~ t ths
pasa~e of ths bi11,~ arrd authorize tel~grams to b~ ~ent to Senator Brh~ ar~d
Assemb].yman 3illf~an~ asking them to attend the ~e~ate Judiciary Cammr~t,ttee meet~ng
to b~ held March 30th at 10 1.M. s~nd protest the passsg~ of t.he sbove bills and
al~o t.].egra~ma be sent to Jack B. Tenney~ Chad.rm~n of the Senate Judiciary Con~aittee~
3~en~tc~r Wnrd and Assmab]yman ToiN.inson infozmi~g thean the Council had vo~h,~d unani~oualy
to oppoee the p~sssge of the bills.
r11 m~ber~ pre scnt agreed and t,he Clerk waa i~ tructed to send ths tmle gra~e as
Cptiaci].man Burt infor~aed the ~ouncil that th• Cit~ could hav~e the material from
the Mosher building xhic3i xa~e to be r~noved by C. C. 3harpa if the City xould ftiirniah
t~o to iour men and haul the material a~r~y. The material to be uaed foz building a
garage a~d madiine ahed to atore city equipment. No action ~a.a taken but most
Couricil.msn favored ths proposition as they felt the City had needed a garage for the
equip~nettt fc~ some time.
No furths~ businesa appearing the meeting xa~ ad~ourned.
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C er r