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Minutes 1953-05-20 2~4 ~ _ ~ ~rroyo G~rande, California Msy 20, 1953 - ~ The CitT ~:ouncil a~et in 8egular eession xith I~ayor simpson pr~a3.diag. _ ~ j3pon roll call Counci]anen I~err, ~3.rkpatrick, Burt and Sturges reportred pr~rsent. ~ , The dnutes of the previous regular meeting ~ere read and approvaet aa read. ~n Ordinancm to a~end Water t)rdinance ~97 x~.s read for the first ti~re a~d di~scuased. RBSOLUTION ~293 RE~OLUTION N0. 2q3 oF THF~ CITY Cc)t1NCIL oF TH8 CITY 01~ ~RftOYQ t~NDE, REI.ATIVE TO THE PROF'0.,ED l~ND1~t+IT OF ORDIN~TCE DtO. 95 ~F THB CITY ~F A,RROYfl CiRl~NDB. On aation of Councilman Kerr, and seconded by Councilman Burt arai by tbe folloxing roll call vote to-xit: wY~Ss Siapsoa, Kerr, Birkpatrick, Burt and Sturgee. N4E5: None wBSFNTs None th~ foregoing xeaolution was adopted. M~,yvr Si~pson asked if a~rone in the audienoe ~rished to discuss th~ parking-~r. and ~frs. Quitman were of the opinion the merchants xo~i b~ benefitted if all parking restrictions were r~~rved. Mr. Ral~i Benne~tt ~elt the parking should be limited. Mr. i~m. ?yysn suggested the l.~adt be taken eff on Branch ~treet, east of Short St., as there were parking pL?css vaQant in that area most of the time. Mrs. Harknesa suggested contacti~g the ~e~chanta to aee xYu~t the m~a~ority xere in favor of. Two hour Iimit seemed to be favored by most of those present and Mr. C1uit~asn said if tha m43oriLy favored that he xuuld be ~rilling to try it also. After ~c~t dia- cusaion s moLion ~ras ~de by Gvuracilman•Kerr and aecvnc~d t~r.CpunciLnsn Burt authorisiag Mr. Kastsel to dra~r up an amencln~ent t?o Ordirunce ~86~ ch~?nging I~ Yrom 1 hr. to 2 hr. parking wherever marked for 1 hr. parking. Ch~ ro2l. call vote all ~ambers voted AYE except ~ouncilman Kirkpatrick who voted Irlotion carried. ~he letter to the Board of Sugervisora in regard t?o 3~ ~.laa per hr. ott Iialcyon 8a?d ~as read and Cowneilman Sturgea recom~ended that tlu ~ou~~y ahou].d be asksd to ma~c~ it 35 miles per hr. from 101 High~ay t.r~ the Sautl~ Boundary ai Tract ~75• Councilman Kerr ~econded his ~motion and all ~enbera' voted ~YIy. l~tayor ~iapson sppointed ~ouncilm~n Kerr and Sturges to attend ths ~s~ting in ~vila in regard to Harbor development. ~5~ ~ It xas agresd to have an sntsy in the Elks parade June 6 if suitable vehicle could be arrsinged. RESOLUTION ,~29~t ' RESOLUTION OF TH$ CITY COUNCiL OF THE CITY OF .NRROYO GRAKDE ADOPTING BUDGET ~ND APPROVING I~40R~NDUM OF AGR.EEI~NT FOR ' EXPF;I+IDITURE OF G~,S TwX ALLOC~TION FOR I~+l~JOR CITY STREETS. Qn motion oY Burt and seconded by Cou~cilman Kirkpatxick and bq the folloxing roll call vote to-~rit: l?YFS: Councilmmn Simpson, Kerr, Kirkpatrick, Burt and ~turges. N~E5: None ~E3SENT : None The foregoing Resolution xas adopted. ' Mr. Yermillion xas preaent and asked xhen the ~ork Was to be done on I~a.rchmont Drive. ~'his xork had been discussed several titnes previou9ly. Mr. ~?ad~rson sai.d he had ruri the center line and that it Would be aecessary to install at least 2 culverts to tak~ care of the vater. It was necesaary to hs~ve profiles before anything definite could be decided on. ; It xas decided to ask the Insurance agents in the City to sub~it prices on the City's Comprehensive Policy at the June 17th meeting if they were interested. Bills against the General Fund for ~1631.61 and the Water Fund for ~739.95 were sudited, approved and ordered paid. No further business appearing and upon m~tion the meet g xas ad3ourned. ~ ~,TT~;ST : . - i y er ~ ASa or