Minutes 1953-07-03 ~ 25~ ~ Arrc~yo arande, CaliYort~ia C June 3, 1953 The City Cauncil ~aet in regular session ~rith Mayor Sia~ason presidi~ag. Upo~ roll call ~our~cilm~sn Kerr, Kirkpa~xick, ~urt and Sturges ~,rted prese~nt. fihe miautes of the previous regular meeting xere read and approved aa read. ~ The minntes ot the Planning ~o~ission held May 27th xsre read and ordered filed. ~ A aotio~ xu ~de by Cow~eilmAn Stnrges, seconded by ~ouncil~ Bvr~ to re~xd ' th~ heading ot' Ordir~anc~ ~1~8 and dispense xi.~thh reading the balar~~e ot the C)rdins~nce. ~11. aea~bers voted Aye. o~Irt~xc8 Ko. 108 ,Al~ ORDIN~iCE AMENDIN(~ SECTION 17 AND SF,cTIflN 29 OF ORDINANCE; N0. 97, ENTITLID "ORDIN~I+ICB OF THF CITY ~F ARROYO GRANDE FIYi~4 2HS ~ATBS TO BE CHARfl~D AND COLLECTED FOR WATER SSRPICT SUPPLIBD B~ THE CITY ~?I1D PR&'iCRIBIHa CERT~IN RtT~,&i AND RE(~U- LAgIO~ COVERIN(~ GONSUM~S OI~ WdTER S"`UPPI.IED BY SIIID CITY #tl~D ~09IDINa P$N11I,TIES FOR THE YIDLIITION THERFAF, ~N RBP~LI~1a " . ~LS, ORDI~iCES IN CONFLICT 2H8ft~ITH, " AUOPT~ TFI~ 6th D~,Y OF SEPTliMBBR, 19~. . On ~rotian of Couacil~n B~ricpatrick, seconded by Couttcilmatt St~argea and on thm follc~ring roll cail vote: ~7(ffi: Couucilmen Sia~pao~a, Kirkpatrick, gurt and ~turge:. NOE~s ConnciL4an Kerr ~BSENT s ~iona the Poregoing ordinance xas adopted. Ord3runce ~109 to amend Ordinsnca ~86 was read tor the firat ti~re. Th~ Heariag on changea in $oning ~ras announcmd: Mooci Ditmc~re ~ddition R-1 Huasna Road.Addition ft-1 ~ Wood Tract ~75 sll &-1 except I.otm 9 and 10, Blk 1 and L8t 9, Blk 2 xhich ver~ to be $oned R_2 Portion of Lot 75 ~ncho eorral d~ Piedra to b~ I+LL-1 PorLioa of Lot 102 Rancho ~orral de Piedra to be ri-1 Portio~as oS I.ot 88 s~nd 91 Rsncho Corr~?1 de Piedra to be M-1 L11 that M-1 sone ly3ng south of Ide ~treet and I.ots 1-2-3-lt, Blk 11, Shar~, Ha~ao~n amd Whit?~l~r Traat to be changed from M-1 tc R-1. l~ra. Qail Co~ert wished to protest the soning on Lota 88 and 91 but aftarr disewrsiaa she t~rithdrex the protsat. Couacil~?n ~turges moved to aacept the reeo~endstiona of the Pla~#~g Co~¦piasicn and to authori~e Mr. Ks~tzel to dra~r up the Ordinance to amsnd Ordinance ~95. The ~tio~ ~as secoaded by Gouneilm4n Kirkpatrick ar~d all Co~cilaen voted Ays. ~Si? , Bill.s against the (3eneral ~'und for $3281.38, the ~iater Fund for ~721.32 and tbe Water Depo*it Fund for ~lt0.00 xere audited, approved and ordered paid. Cavncilmatt Sturges m~ade a motion authorizing the transfer of vouchera ~1t6-lt7-Lt8-Lt9 and the motion ~as seconded by Councilman Burt and all membera voted ~re. No further business appearing and upor~ motioa the raeeti ~as adjourned. ~ ~,TTFST: ~ it erk ~ r Y i i ~i I