Minutes 1953-06-23 260 ~ ' ~ ~ Arroyo Cirande, Cal~Yvraia dune 23, 1953 The ~ity Council ~et in an ad~ourned meeting ~ith Mayor Sia~son preaiding. Upon roll call ~ouncilaen Kerr, ~irkpatrick and Burt reported present. Conricil- ~ man Sturges arriv+ed later. A letter to the vivision of Highways in regard to the intersection of Braxnch Street and 101 Highway xas un~animously approved by the ~ity Council and Mr. ~nderson Was given authorization to sign the letter. playor ~i~aon appointed ~ouncilman Kerr a~nd I+Ir. Anderson to attend tbs ~ meeting on Higtix~ys June 2!?th in San Luis Obispo. The letter from Firemen's insurance Fund ~?as res~d, the a~ount for the n dis usaion a notion Co~rehensive policy for the year xould be ~62912.89 a d aPter c ; was made by Council~?an Sturges, aeconded by Councilman Burt to aaeept ~te bi.d from London Laneaahire for ~61699.72. All members voted Aye. Kr. Andereon ~as instrueted to haee 1Kr. ~iendenhall inspeat the swinging bridge sa t~e engineer froa~ Fi,.remen's Insurance Fund had reported the bridge unsafe in his esti~tion. The Couucil looked over the budgets and ~ade some reco~endationa bnt expected to a~eet again to revies~r it moz~e thoroughly. It w~s suggeated thoy k a~eet early July lat to work on the budget beYore the regular ~seeting. No further business the meeting xaa Ad~ourned. , ~ wTT3~ST: " i y er r ~ . ~ . ~ ~ ,