Minutes 1953-07-15 ~rroyo Grs~nde, California Juty i5, 1953 The City Council met in reguls~r session with Mayor 5i~son presiding. Upon roll cAll ~ouncilmen Kerr and Burt reported present. Absent Councilmen Kirk- ~atrick znd Sturges. The ffinutes of the previous regular and Ad~ourned meeting xere read and approved as read. Mr. Ws~rner from Brown-Bevis Wa.s present to give the Council informs~tion on the purchase of a compressor on a rental basis. He reported his company Would deliver the compressor on a b month guzrzr?tee of ~1320.00 or ~220.00 per month for 6 months and i~ at the end of 6 months_._t,h~. city could either return or complete the purchase, the price co~lete to be $I~631.00. iKr. ~arris astid the Gouncil could not mzke a contract beyond 1 year and said he would aend dot~m some informs~tion he had from the League of California Cities on the sub3ect. It W~a decided to hold the purchase of a compressor over until the next meeting. Mr. Anderson reported the Highway Depzrtment built up the curb on Allen St. I some more but we hzd not had a reply to the letter xe had sent in regs~,rd to the ~ matter. Mr. Sam Berg appe~red before the Council to see if the island at ]3ridge and N~lson mdght be used 6or pzrking instead of being planted to grass. A long dis- cussion folloWed and Mr. Anderson wns to write a letter to the Highway to aee what could be done zbout parking and to have Bridge Street made s~ one way street from Nelson to Poole Street. A lzrge group of people were prtsent to see if the s~ringing bridge would be opened up zg~in. They ~ere told we were Waiting for the engineer from the London LstncAShire Insuxa.nce ~o. to look over the bridge ~}nd see what repairs it would need to meet with their appronal - and the Council ha.d included $2000.00 in the 53-s~t Budget for the repzir of the bridge if it could be repaired for that. The letter from the High School in regard to the agreement which had been drAwn up for strzightening the curb line on Valley Road w~s discussed and Mayor ~Simpson appointed Anderson and ~ouncilmen Sturges and Kerr to attnnd the Aug. 7th meeting of the High School. The ~ouncil recommends that Va11ey.Road be straightened out in anticipation of heavy traffic if a road should be put across the ereek and also fire plugs and utility poles could be put in the park~,ray. The easement Agreement from George and Barbara Shannon, J. C~ Couse, Sr., John C. Couse, Jr., and iKargzret ~ouse having been signed by all pzrties, a 269~~ ~ ~ ~ motion wAS made by Councilman Burt, seconded by Council~an Kerr that Mayor ~ Simpson be ~uthorized to sign the agreement in behalf of the City of Arroyo (i~rande. A motion xas made by Councilman Kerr, seconded by Councilman Burt to d3s~ss the action for condem~ation of P.C. Right of way and get back the ~275.00 ~hiah had been put up by the city. It was agreed the city would install the street signs at Tra.ct ~75 arid Mr. ~nderson was to check with ~an Luis Obispo about street signs and tha Council agreed to have good signs installed. Mr. Anderson was to report at the next meeting. Mr. Harria res~d the heading of Ordinznce #109 and a motion ~ras made by Councilms~n Burt and seconded by Councilman Kerr to dispense with the balance af reading. ORDINANCE ~109 ART ORDINANCE OF 3'HE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING SECTZONS . ~ atid IaA OF ORI3INANCT N0. 86, ENTITLED "AN ORDINADiCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO aRANDE REGULATING TRAFFIC UPON AND THE P,IIRKINQ • OF VEHICLES ON THE PUHISC STREETS OF THE CITY OF AFiR0Y0 GRANDL PROVIDING PENALTY THEREFOR AND REPF~LING OR.DIAiANCES IN CON- ~ - FLICT THEREWITH." - On ~tion of Councilman Burt, and seconded by Councilrrr~n Kerr and by the foilowing , roll call vote to-xit: AYES: Councilmen Simpson, Burt, and Kerr. . 110ES: Atone ABSENT: Councilmen 5turges and Kirkpatrick ~he foregoing Ordinance wr~s adopted. ~ Mr. I.adwig's request for an extension of time on removal of buildings was discugsed and on mtion of Council.ms~n Kerr and seconded by Councilms~n Burt, I~4r. Harris Kas authorized to write Mr. I~dwig that he had been granted r~ore than sufficient tin+e to re~nove the buildings. ~ Bills against the Qeneral ~und for $1939.05 ~nd the Water Fund for ~771~,55 were audited, approved ~nd ordered paid. No iurther business appearing r~nd upon motion the meeting was a.d3ourned. , ~ ~ ~ ATT~T s City lerk Y