Minutes 1953-09-02 , E ~~0 ~ ~ ~ r~ V Arroyo (~rande, California September 2, 1953 4 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Simpson presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Kerr, Kirkpatrick, Burt and Sturges reported presen'~, The minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved as read. Mr. Anderson's request for overtime for the men who worked on the broke~t water main was given approval. Andre~ David r~presenting Antonio B. Ma,r~~no requested a change in rates and also asked to zone the City so those perscns in the outskirts would pay:a highar rate. The.Council discussed the change in rates and zoning. Coi~cilma~n Kerr said he was opposed to zoning but would be willing to allow a raise--ir~ rates. After more discussion it was agreed to a11oW a raise in rates but not , the zoning. _ RESOLUTION ~297 RESOI,U`rION UF THE CI1'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORTZINQ A CHANGE IA1 R.~ITES FOR 4ARBAGE COLLECTION iN THE CITY OF ARROYO f~R.~N1J~. On motion of Councilmen Burt and seconded by Councilman Sturges and by the folloWing roll call vote to-wit: ~YES: Councilmen Simpson, Kerr, Kirkpatrick, Burt and Sturges NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing ftesolution was adopted. Mr. Anderson reported he had talked with the Engineers about testing the swinging bridge and making the repairs which had been recommended by the Znsurance Co. Engineers. Mr. I~udroff of Daniel, Mann, Johnson and Mendenhall had finally agreed that if a 7~ ton load was left on the bridge for 2I~ hours and one of their men would be present to check the bridge they ~ould give te~porary approval for the bridge to be repaired and would make inspection of the bridge e~ery other year and also folloWing any earthquake or heavy wind sto'un. A~~~.on was rr~ade by Gouncilman Sturges, and seconded by ~ouncilman Burt to proceed with the recommendations for the test. All members voted Aye. 27~ The letter from the Health Dept. in regard to sewer line on N. Garden Street was discussed and Mr. Anderson was to get estimates for running a sewer line ~cross the creek. A letter would be wr~tten to the property owners when plans and costs were ready. Councilman Sturges was to contact Mr. Brisco and ask him to represent the City at the meeting of the Southern San Luis Obispo ~ounty Harbor Development Association to be held at Shell ~3each and report back to the Council on the meeting. . RESOLUTION #298 a RESOLU~l'ION OF `l'HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE At~THORIZING ACC~;PT,A,iVCE OF DEED TO REA,L FSTATE FROM AKIRA AND MASAKO SARUWATARI l~ND SmONE AND AYAKO SARUWATARI 10 THE CITY OF ARROYO GR.I~NDE. On motion of Councilman 5turges, seconded by Councilman Kerr and by the following roll call vote to-wit: dYFS: Councilmen Simpson, Kerr, Kirkpatrick, Burt and Sturges rJOES : None ,ABSENT: None the forcgoing resolution was a.dopted. Jerry Bennett asked about getting bids on a neW pick-up for the Fire Dept. He was told to get ;~rices and bring back to the next Council meeting. i~1r. Towle was present to ask about water on Alpine Street. It was agreed to get an estimate of the 2 inch water line to the property and they ~rould depo5it the total amount of the estimate and if the cost was under the estimate the difference would be refunded. iyir. Harris said if Mr. Anderson would take up the necessary figures and papers he would draw up the amendment on the High School Agreement. It was moved and seconded that Mr. Anderson be authorized to install the water on the islands and have them ready to plant the lawns. He ~as also given authorization tb have the Gity Hall painted. It was agreed to have the County Health Dept. make a sewer survey in the Western Addition and South Alpine area. A motion by ~ouncilman Kirkpatrick, seeonded by Councilman Kerr authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to sign the preliminary agreement for the gas tax money for construction pro~ect for 1953-54• r~ir. Anderson was asked to see if Ladwig was removing the temporary buildings as he had agreed. 2~72 ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ Anderson and Mize were to investigate the possibility of making Bridga Street one xay and report at the next meeting. _ The Chief of Police was authorized to conta.et the Sta~e Division o~ Highways and aee about having signs for School at the crossing. It xas agreed to buy the bed, springs and mattress in the Police Department room from Mr. ~uchanan for ~l~0.00. It was movad and seconded that Tom Odom be allowed pay for 3 daya vacation. - The Chief of Police was authorized to hire Paul L. Martin for poli.ce oPficer to serv~ at the pleasure of the Council. It xas moved and seconded that vouchers ~6 to 10 ineluaine be apprvved Por transfer. Bills against the General Fund for ~2711.89, the.Water Fund for ~2743.~ and the Water Deposit Fund for $28.00 ~ere audited, approned and order~~ paid. No further business appearing and upon ~otion the meeting waa ad3aurned. / ; , ~ ^ itg lerk . or