Minutes 1953-09-16 Arroyo Grande, California
September 16~ 1953.
The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Simpson presiding. Upon
roll call Councilmen Kerr, Kirkpatrick, Bvrt and Sturges reported present. The
minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved as read.
The purchase of a pick-up for the Fire Dept. Was discussed and Jerry Bennett
reported he could get a used 1951 Chevrolet Pick-up for ~995.~0 plus sales tax and
a motion was made by Councilman Kirkpatrick, seconded by Councilman Kerr to
purchase the pick-up for the Fire Dept. All members noted Aye.
Z'herc was discussion on making Bridge Street one-Way from Poole Street to
Nelson and it was agreed to leave it as it was and allow no parking on the West
side along the island exceptSundays. A motion by Councilman Burt and seconded
by Councilman Kerr to have the following signs ordered: ~~No Parking on Week Days".
~11 members voted A~ye.
Southern Counties Gas Company's request for 2" water service to a site on
Anton Doko's property where they were installing a Compressor Booster was dis-
cussed. Mr. Robert Bruce, manager was present and asked if' they mi.ght install
the water line as they had the equipment. After discussion a motion was made
by Councilman Sturges to allow the Southern Counties Gas Co. to purchase and
lay a lt inch water line from Halcyon Road and ~'aeh Ave. to the site~ the line
to be laid according to the recommendations of I~,r. Anderson and the Water Co.
to make the tie in, the line would then become the property of the City. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Kerr and all members voted Aye,
Membership in the Southern San Luis Obispo County Harbor Association was
discussed and a motion was made by Councilman Kirkpatrick, seconded by CounciLnan
Kerr to pay the membership. 7'he moticn carried and Councilman Sturges was appointed
to represent the City Council.
It Was reported Mrs. H. 0. Swartout had turned in the check for ~2270.00
on the Grand Avenue Water Line Extension and a motion Was made by Councilman
Kerr, seconded by Councilman Burt to advcrtise for bids on a carload of cement
asbestos pipe, 1500 ft. of 6 inch and 2100 ft. of inch, class 150. The bids
are to be opened October 7, 1953 at 7:30 P.M. All members voted Aye.
Anderson asked about a raise for Hardie Richey so he could relieve Harry
Hart every other week-end to t~ke care of the pumps. It was moved and seconded
that he be paid 295.00 ptr month starting October 1, 1953.
274 ~
Mr. Harris agreed to contact Mr. Miller, executive secretary in the City of
San Luis Obispo in regard to a water survey he made sometime back and see if he
cauld get a copy.
Mr. Warner was present and tha purchase, on a lea~e-r~ntal basis, of a
compressor Was di~cussed. He agreed to send information to Mr. Harris and he
would see about preparing an agreement if the city wished to purchase the
Bills against the (~eneral Fund for ~1725.78 and the Water FUnd for ~305.0?
were audited, approved and ordered paid.
The Clerk xas given permission to take two xeeks vacation.
No further business appearing the meeting was ad~ourned.
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City lerk