Minutes 1953-11-18 Arroyo Grande, California
November 18~ 1953
The ~ity Council met in regula.r session with ~ayor Simpson presiding.
Upon roll call Councilmen Kerr, Bu~t a.nd Sturges reported present. Council-
ma~n Kirkpatrick arrived l~ter.
The minuteg of the previous regular meeting were read and approved As read.
Bids for paint~ng the City Hall were opened ~s follows:
Clifton and Clif~on ~[3~.00, J. R. Bertrem ~508.95 and L. J. Ferrari ~35~.~•
After discussion a motien wa.s made by Councilms~n Sturges, seconded by Council-
man Burt to award the bid to L. J. Ferrari for ~350.00. All merr~bers voted Aye.
The letter from the Beaumont High School asking for a dona~tion to send
the BeAUmont High School band to Chicago to represent the West Coast at the
~Iicl~rest Nationa_1 Bznd Clir.ic zn Chicago was read. After discussion a motion
was made by Councilmaa Sturges, seconded by Councilman Burt to contribute
~1.00 to the Beaumont High School.
Mr. ~nderson asked how far out Grand Avenue they wished to go with the
wzter line and Mayor Simpson ~ppointed a commi.ttee of Councilman Kerr,
M~e~ Anderson and himself to study the rr~tt~r ~nd report at the next council
meeting. They agreed to meet at the City Hall Frida.y a,t P.M. Nov. 20, 1953.
Mr. Harris read for the first time the Ordinance which he had prepzred
for fixing and establishing charges for services and facilities furnished by
the city sewerage system and providing for the coll~rtion of the same. The
Ordin~nce was discussed and several persons present asked a.bout different parts
of the Ordinance and how they would be ~ffected by the Ordinance. They were
told it wa.s for ma.intenance and care of the system a.nd would be kept in a
sepzrAte fund.
The ZC~.SC abreement from Browr:-Bevis on the compressor was discussed and
ivIr. harris asked to have Mr. Warner call znd see him or he would write ~ letter
~nd get cle~r on the invoice which they hzd left, before signing the Agreement.
Bills aga.inst thc General Fund £or ~170lt.51, and the Water Fund for $887.09
were audited, approved and ordered pzid.
No further business appearing and upon motion thc meeting was adjourned.
. ~ .
City Clerk yo