Minutes 1953-12-02 l~V~ ~ ~ ~ Arroyo Grando, California DQCambor 2, 1953 The City Council met in regular seosion with Mayor Simpson presidi~g. Upon roll call ~ouncilmen Kerr, Kirkp~trick, Burt znd 3turges reportod pros~nt. Th~ minutes of the previous regul~r meeting were rezd and approved a,s read.' The rQquest from ~Ir. W. F. Lienst,ad of 136 so. AlpinQ Streot for a streQt light and also to have something dona about tr~e limbs fzlling on the streQt was read. Mr. Anderson was zsl~ed to chack the light~ and thQ trees and report at thQ next meeting. Th~ letter to the Dept. of Public Health in regard to the permit for ths Water Dept. was approved and signed by the Ntayor. Mr. Harris r~ad thQ Sewar Rental Ordinznce h~ had propared a.nd a~ there wsre changes made this was the first reading. The committeQ xhich w~s appointed by the Mayor at tho Nov. 18th ~eting recommendQd several changes to be m~.da in the w~ter ordins+..nce. The changea~ wer~ discuss~d by thQ Council and Mr. Ha.rris zgreed to pr~pzre th~ ch~nges'a~¢ outlined by the Council ~nd have them re~dy for th~ next mQeting. The Chief of Police recommendQd the Council order "No ParkingN on thQ &ast sida of Nevada Street. . RF50LUTION ~301 RESOLU~'IOiti OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARRQYO . GRANDE E~iTABLISHING "NO P~ING" ON 1HE F,AST SIDE OF NEVAD.I1 STRF:ET AND ~#1JTHORIZING ~'Fi~ CURB LINE ON THE E11.ST SIDE OF NEV~A 11,ND LYING NORTH OF BRANCH STREET TO BE PATNTED RED. On ~notion of Councilman Kesrr, second~d by Councilman Kirkpatrick a~d by~ the folloxing roll call vote to-Wit; AYES: Councilmen Simpson, K~rr, Kirkpztrick~ Burt afld Sturge~a. NOES: None dB.SEN2: None The foregoing resolution was adopted. Mr. Harris and Mr. Anderson checked the agre~ment from Broxn-B~vi+~ on tho Compressor znd Mr. Harris sa~id he wishQd to chQCk further on thQ am~unts $et up before ~ccQpting the ~gre~ment znd hQ wzs going to call thQir offic~ for more information. ~~t~ It wzs ~greed to open bids on gaseline for the coming year at th~ Dec. 16th meeting znd letters were to be rr~iled to the distributors inviting them to submit bids. ~3ills zgainst the Generzl Fund for ~1;1t78.37, the Water Fund for ~5398.0? and the Wia.ter Deposit Fund for ~28.65 were zudited, zpproved and ordered pa.id. Un motion of Councilmzn Sturges ~nd secondad by Councilm~n Burt vouchers f~17-18-19-20 and 21 were ~pproved for tr~nsfer. ~ No further business the meeting wzs zdjourned. pTTEST; ~ ity Clerk Niayor I i i ; ~ { + i - , I ; i 'i a l - - - -