Minutes 1953-12-16 ~V~- ~ ~ IIect~aber 16, 1953 ~ Xrroya (~rande, California C The City Council ~t in regular session tirith Ma~?or Simpeon preaid3.ng. Upan roll eall Coeincilmen Kerr, Kirkpatrick and Burt reported preaent. ~'a~tt Councilaa~ Sturgee. . The minutes of the previaus regular ~eeting xere read and apprmrod ae ~ead. Kr. AnderBOn repo~t~d he ~ad checked the street lights a~i recc~msrtded orie light for the aouth end of Orchard, one for Alpi~e Street south of (~ra~d ,~ven~e, one for the intersection at Poole and Wbiteley and one for the imter- aectian at Halcycm Raad and Dodscn ~Tay. A motion xaa made bq Councila~+~ B't~rt snd secanded by Comncil.man Kerr au~hori$ing the installati~ of the faa,r atreet lighta. The letter fraan Mr. Fred Shaeffer requesting the City to grav~el Fsush ~venue ~as diacn8sed. In Novemlaer 1952, the city hacl agreed to gra~d~s t~s , atreet for a preliminary grade but had not agreed to grav~el the etr~eta. It ~sa auggested a letter be ~ritte~ to Mr. Shaeffer teilir~g him if he ~ou1d pa~r Yor the xork the city xould do the gravrsling of the atreet. t~. iTnrdell' a reques t f or xater service to hia place cn~ I~export ~treet was diacussed and it xas agreed to have Mr. I~arria draW up an a~reemetlt and Mr. y/ardell agreed to put up ~60.00 to take care of the future inatallatio~ I ~ o~ a!t in. line and the eity would install a meter at the ead of the Z ir?ch ~ line a,nd i~lardell ~?ould rim hi$ c~rri line for th~ p~eaent» The a~ctian xas I ~ade by Kirkpatrick, s~conded by ICerr and all ~mbers preseat voted~~. Bicie cn g~soline were open~d and the bid of d. B. Ik~ar for Itat~a7;~c F i gaaoline being tlle lc~est a~cc~tion xae xade by Councila~ Btu^~, sec~ded ~ ~ by Councilaan 1Cirkpatrick to accept the bid of J. B. Da~rar. The hsading of the ordinanc~ ior a sexer rental charge was read a~ a ' aotion tiade by Councilman Kirkpatrick, aeccmded by Councilma~ Burt to d#:~~ pense irith the balar~e of the reading. mjL~~ ~'~`l I I Al~ aiDINANCE 0~ TI~ CITY QF ARRO~YO aR~Ailri~, ~ALIF(~tNIA, FI1CINa ~ AND ESTABI.ISHINt3 CHXR(~S F0~ SBRYICES ,~AID FACILITTES FURNISIi~D BY THS CIT7C S&WERAC~ 37fiTEM ,AND PROVIDINa FOR THE COLLSCTION OF ~ TH~ SAI~. ; r f~ xotion at Counci]aaa Burt, aecanded by l~fayc>r ~i~peon and oa tltie Pollc~.r~g ' roll call votet AYBSs 3iapson, Xirkpatrick and Burt NOES: ~auncilaar~ Kerr AB3Bl~iTs Counci7asa~ Sturgea the Poregoing ord.inance Was advpted. ~V~" The lease or purchase of the compressor was discussed. Tt was ~uggested as gov~ernment bonds xere maturing the first of February ir~ the tiTater Dept.~ it be }~aid for from the Water Fund and it xas agreed to hold the matter aver until the nezt meeting and Mr. Harris agreed to check into the legality ~ of rentin~ the equipnent out and also to check with the Insurance Carrier. ~ ~ It was suggested the charge be x3.~ per hour for the catnpressar or ~6.00 an , ~ i hour xith a ~nan and a nini.naum tin~ set. ; . Jerry Bennett requested the ~00.00 set up in the budget for the Fire ' i Dept., and a motion ~aas ~ade by Councilraan Rirkpstrick, seconded by Council- xan Kerr authorizing the payment of the ~lt00.00. Hills against the f}eneral Furad for ~165~.59 and the Water F~arid for ~782.3l~ w~ere audited~ approved and ordered paid. Motion bq Councilman Kirkpatrick, seconded by Councilman Kerr authorizing the transfer of vouchers 22-23-24-25-26-27 and 28. ' It Was agreed to test the siren for the 8tate widl7 progra~a Dec. 28th { ~ i at 12 o'clock noon. No f"tirther bvsiness appearing and upon ~aotion the meeting ad~ourned. ~ e ` ATTFST: ' ~ City Clerk apror