Minutes 1954-01-06 . . . . . . . ~ j Arroyo Grande, California . , January 6, 1954 ~he City Council met in regula.r session with Mayor Simpson presiding. ' Upon roll call Councilrr~n Kerr, Kirkpztrick, Burt a,nd Sturges seported present. The minutes of the previous regul~r and special meeting~ were r~zd and ' approved as read. Minutes of th~ City Planning Com~nission were reAd and ord~red filed. The monthly report from the Chief of Police was rezd and zpproved. ; A communication from B~iley Bridge Equipment Comp~ny was rezd and held i for futher discu~sion. ' i Mr. Da~vid Miller w~s present ~nd gave a report on the services rendered 'i b.y DAniel~ Mann, Johnson and Mendenh~.ll for tha pzst year. He zlso reported ~ i they wsre establishing z branch office in Morro Bay, and h~ agreed to h~v a proposal ready for the next council meeting. A motion w~s rnade by Counci].m~n Kirkpztrick, s~conded by Councilman Burt that D~niel, Mann, Johnson znd Mendenh~ll be notified their service~ will cease ~s of Janu~ry 31, 1951~ under the present sdt up, a.nd the council would welcom~ a~ny new proposa.l they would rr?~ke for engineering services. All member~ voted l~yc. A motion was mad~ by Councilman Sturges, seconded by Councilman Kerr to pa.y czsh for the compres$or. Th~ pa.yment to be from the Wa~ter Fund in the month of Januzry und the Water Dept. Reserve Fund be reimbursed from ths general ~nd water funds by continuing budget until the total had b~~n re- placed. Councilrr~n Simpson, Kerr, Burt and Sturges voted ye~ and Council- ma~M Kirkpatrick voted no. C. F. Hamlin was present to answ~r any questions in regard to the bridge ~pa.n to use for creek crossing. Xizyor Simpson s~ppointed committee of Kirkpa~trick, Sturges, Anderson and himself to contACt the County and see if a~ny help could be h~d tow~rds the bridge znd a road from Uzlley Road to Halcyon Roa.d. Chief Mize r~quested authorization to attend a meeting in Los Angeles J~nuary 20th if he were zble to lezv~ and it was moved, seconded and carried hc be authorized to go. Mr. H~rris rezd the a~mendment to the Wat~r Ordin.ance he had prepared, and left a eopy for the council to look over. ~ ~ ~88. ~ . ~ ~ ~ Bills against the Gsneral Fund for ~3789.05, the Watsr Fund for ~1951.09 a.nd the Wat~r Deposit Fund for ~20.00 were ~udited, a.pproved And ordsr~d paid. .A motion was rruzd~ by Council,m~n Sturges, ~'econded by Councilman Ki~kpatrick authorizing th~ tranafer of vouchers no. 29 and 30. No other busind~s appezring ~nd upon motion the meeting w~s ad3ourned.. . ~ ATTEST: City lerk yor i i f ' . -