Minutes 1954-02-03 ~v~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Arroyo (~rande, California February 3, 195~t The City Council s~et in regular session ~i.th Mayor Simpson presiding. Upon roll call Councilnen Kerr, ~irkpatrick, Burt and Sturge$ reported preeent. The mi.nutes of the prenious regular meeting xere read and approved as read. Several aex~bers of the council and the Ghief of Police agreed ta attend the ~meeting in Ban Luis Obispo xith the Board of Supervisors on February 9th to diacuss the adop~icn of a uniform anti-loitering ordinauce, a uniform pouud ordinance, and the circulation of salacious material throughout the count~r, Mr. w. Filer xas present to see about the agreen?ent with the Lion's Club and I~br. Harris explained the agreement and agreed to irrite a letter on t~he sub~ect and a moti.on xas ~ade by Councilanan Sturges, seconded by Couriail~asa VBurt authori~ing Mr. Harris to write ths letter as orottlifled for the Lion's Clnb. Isotion carried. ~ Mayor Simpaon reported the committee had lcoked over a i~padxay fro~t V~11e~? Road to Halcyon xoad and had ~eore cr less agreed it xould be best xhere t~he se~er crosses the creek but they had no funds to purchase the bridge attd stockpile it, so for the present time they would have to forget the bridga xhich had been under discussion. ~i The P.T.A,. requested pernrLssion to have an Anemal Shox on the schoo~:gro~d~ ~I, ~ Februsry 10, 1951t and a motion xas made by Councilman Kerr, seconded t~r Councilman Kirkpatrick to issue the P.T.A. a permit fvr having the ani:ieal Shot~. ~ i The ~tater C)rdinance to smend eections of ~rdinance ~9? was diact~ssed and I ar Mr. ~iarris agreed to re:xord the vrdir~ance. . . ~j a~LU~zox xo. 302 ~I NOTICE ~F SL~CTION . ! , Diotiee ia herby fiven that a tier~aral Municipal Election ~ill be held 'ia l ! ; the City ot Arroyo Qrrande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of Califoraiat on ~ ~ k Tuesday, the 13th day of ~pril, 195~t, at which election the follotiring aft`tc+e~ ~ ~ arQ to be filleds ' i Two Councilamn, Full Tera~ . I There xill be one voting precinct for the pt~rpose af holding ~aid~~~~io~, consisting oY t~e conaolidation of ths regular ~lectior~ preciacts establish~d_for holding State aad County electi~ns, as followa: Consolidat.ed roting pre~iACt:"A'~ co~oprising St,~Le and Courity precincLs nwabers drroyo t~rta~de o~e, t?rto, three, Ycur ar~d ~ive and t~ polling place thereof shall b~ at the trroyo Qrande City ~~tii. ~iotics is also hereby further gi.ven that at said eleation the polla xi21 be open fros? the hot~r of Seven o'clock ~l.M., to t~e~ hour of Seven o'clock P.~+I., an . the ds~y tbereof; that during aaid hours said election xill be held and corul~xc#~ed _ _ at the legally designated polling places in each election precinct in said City of ~rroyo Grande, as hereinafter set forth; and tha.t the polling places ix~ the several election precincts and the names of the several persons xho have been appointed to serve as election officers for the conduct of said eleetion in th~ir respective election preeinct~s~ as named, selected and designated by the City Council of said City of Arroyo Grande, ae provided by law are as follows, to wit: Name of Precinet: ~ONSOLID~TED "~,",(Precincta One, Two, Thres, Four and Five, City of ~xroyo Grande) Location of Polling Place: ARROYO GRAAIDS CITY HIILL Precinct Board Inspector Judge Clerk C1erk In all particulars such election shall be held and conducted in the manner provided for the holdi.ng and conduction of Municipal election ~ in said City and in accordance with the laws of the State of California applicable thereto. Dated this 3rd day of February, 195~ Mrs. Edna M. Schilling Cierk On motion of Councilman Burt and seconded by Councilman Kerr and by the folloxing roll call vote to-xit: AYES: Council~en Simpson, Kerr, Kirkpatrick, Burt and 8turges DtOE'S : None ,~,BSENT : ~Ione the fore~oing resolution was adopted. Chief of Police Mize requested peraiission to g o to a police meeting in Santa Gruz and take Sgt. Richardson as it xas Richardson's day off. Upon motion of Councilman Burt, and seconded by Councilman Kerr his request was granted. Bills against the General Fund for ~3378.91~ the water Fund for ~11~Lt2.59, and the Water Deposit Fund for ~62.15 were audited, approved, and ordered paid. Upon taotion of Couacilman Sturges, and seconded by Councilman Kirkpatrick the transfer of vouchers #31,32,33,31t and 35 ~8a suthorized. No further busineas appearing and upon motion the meeting ad~ourned. ~TTEST: ~ City Clerk lrlayor 2~2 ~ ~ ~ y ~ .