Minutes 1954-02-17
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Arroyo Grande, California
February 17, 195~t
The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Simpson presiding. Upon
roll ca1.1 Councilmen Burt and Sturges reported present. Councilman Kerr arrived
later and Councilman Kirkpatrick xas absent.
The mi.nutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approvEd as read.
~ The adoption of The Fire Prevention Code and Fire Zones ~as discussed and
Mayor Simpson appointed Councilman Burt, Joe Anderson and Jerry Bennett as a
conmittee to make a study and it was suggested they ~ork with the Planning Com-
missian on the Fire Zones and adoption of the code.
Victor H. Dailey, Gounty Pound Master discussed the_ dog ordinance and said
they xould have more information at a later meeting they were in hopes the cities
could go along with the county on some control of the dog situation.
There was more discussion on the xater ordinance amendment and Mr. ~arris
read the ordinance which he had prepared and it xas considered the first reading.
Mr. John Baxter requested the city to put a!t inch line on Cypress Lane. The
amount of the original estimate.from W. M. Lyles was ~3265.55. The city agreed to
get estimates nox to see if the prices Were about the same and Mr. B~xter gave a
check for ~2900.00 which thsy had collected towards the installation of the line.
Mrs. t3ayona asked if the City could improve Faeh Street so she could get in
and out. She reported the neighbors drained xater from the place across the road
and it made it very bad in rainy weather. They suggested she contact Mr. Shaeffer
xho owned other praperty along Faeh and gee if the property oxners xould put up
the money to improne the street.
Mr. Anderson Was asked to see the Bretans and see that the Water was not
drained across the road.
The folloWing officers were appointed for the election board: Inspector
Mrs. Irfjrrtle Bailey, Judge Mrs. 24ae C. Ketchwn, Clerks Mrs. Florence Carnes and
Mrs. Margaerite Osborne. The pay to be x8.00 per day as in 1952.
Mayor Si~son asked the council to approve his appointment of Deril P. Waiters
as Director of Civil DeYense and a motion xas made by Councilman ~turges and
seconded by Councilman I~err to approve Mr. Waiters appointa~ent. All members voted
Bills against the General Fund for ~1596.1t7 and the Water Fund for ~86.22
Wsre audited, approved and ordered paid. No further business appearing and upon
motion the meeting was ad3ourned. . %
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Citq Clerk Mayor