Minutes 1954-03-03 C~U ~ . G'~ _ ~ C Arroyo Grande, California March 3, 1954 The City Gour~cil ~et in regular session with Mayor Sia~son presidi~. ttgon roll call Couneiinen Kerr, Burt and S~urges reported present. Absent Cptulcil~en K3.rkpatrick. The minutea of the previous regular mseting were resd and approned aa read. Minutes of the Planning Commission and the report from the Chief o~ Po~:iae for February xere read and filed. Mr. Anderson reported he had priass on lt and 6 inch asbestos pipe f~o~ Crane and Johns Manville. The price fron Johns Manville being the loxer a motion xaa eaade by Couricilman Kerr, seconded by Councilman Burt authori~~ug Mr. Adderson ~o order 2000 ft. cf 1s inch tran$ite pipe f~ 91~ per ft. Moticn carried. . - . There being only one bid in on the laying of pipe on Cqpress I~e it iraa agreed to hold t~?e bid until the other bids xere in. • l~ir. ~ndersan repor~ed the xell with the !t0 H. F. motor had been c3,esned at~l the new boxla and parts had been installed and it xas nox being uaed. H~ alao repor~ed the representative fro~s the Berkeley Pump Co. was going *.o c~uecic thf nex xell ~+here the 50 H.P. ~otor was and it would save the city money to ~3e~n aud check the xell at that ti~e. He Was authorized to do the xork if De thou$ht it necessar~r. - 1~. Anderaon reported he and the city water crex had ~ ahecked 1~lr. Ca~tby' a ~,rater ~ystem and found he had, the city xater open to the hause in resr as~cl had na check valve betWeen the city system and hia xell. Mr. Anderson xas told ~o ahut the xater off and charge three (3) miniaaums until he s~ets with the city iaapection. A~otion xas made by CounciLaan Sturges authorizing I~r. Andersoa to haYe #~e xater shut off and Mr. Canby be required to install a~heck valve hetxeea hia. xell aad the cit~r Water sy~tem, and a~?a.lve with seal be i~talled at t~ c~+rser' ~ expenee to the house in rear, and the store, the ~aotic~ Was eeconded l~ ~~tacilm~n Kerr and all mex~bers present voted ~y~e. I~Sr. *nd+eracn reported he had a request from Martha Fetker for a p~dt tc~ build a restaurant aad the County Health Dept. hsd granted a variance in accordance rith Ord. ~85 - Secttyiion 13. A motion ~as ~de by CQUncilayan ~urg~es aad second~d bT Cou~ciLoan Burt to grant the request. The permit xas ta ~ta there were to be no c}~anges xhere both sex xould be employed in the bui,ldf~g. I~r. 4nderaon reported l~ir. J. W. Bayer had hooked his home to the sditer ~rithout firts . . . t and havin ins ection• he had run the line across lots he first getting a per~i. g p , o~rned facing on Corrn~rall. Mayor Siag~son ma.de a motion and Councilman Burt seconded his motion that Mr. Bayer be required to pay a 9~90.OQ hook-up fee and double inspection fee and permi,t and the line be put in proper location and an easement be recorded. All members voted Aye. The report on the inspection of sewers in Western Addition was read and an assessment district was discussed and Mr. Harris agreed to report on hoW to proceed at the next meeting. RFSULUTION ~303 . ~ RFSOLUTION ~,CCF:F`l'ING DEID AND AUTHORIZING RECORDATION OF DEID FROM ARAOYO GFt,ANDE UNION HIGH SCHOOI.. On motion of Council~an Sturges ~nd seconded by Councilman Burt and on the following roll call vote: ,AYFS: Councilmen Simpson, Kerr, Burt and Sturges NOFS ; None ABSENT: Councilman Krkpatrick the foregoing Resolution was adopted. Mr. Anderaon was instructed to check with the health dept. and he Was author- ized to sell the sludge from seWer farm if it was O.K. The heading of Water Ordinance ~112 xas read and after readin~ a motion was ruade by Councilman Burt and seconded by Councilman Kerr to dispense with the balance of the reading. Councilioan 5turges reported he felt the plan he had suggested Would proaate more growth for the water dept. ORDIN,ANCE NO 112 ~ ~n Ordinance ar~ending Sections 28 and 29 of Ordinance No. 97, ~ of the City of Arroyo Grande entitled "ORIIINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GftANDE, FIXING THE RATES TO BE CH~,RG~ A,ND COLLECTED FOR WATER ~ SERVICE SUPPLIED BY THE L'ITY AND PRESCRIBING CERTAIN RULFS AND ~ REGULATZONS COVERIN(~ CONSUMF•RS OF WATER SUPPLIED BY SAID CITY AND ~ PROVIDING PEN~,I.TIFS FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF, AND REPE,pLING ALL ORD~ ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH," passed and adopted the 6th day of September, 1950, and repealing all Ordinance or portions of Ordinances in conflict herewith. On motion of Council~an Kerr and seconded by Councilman Burt and on the following roll call vote, to xit: ~ AYFS; Councilmen Simpson, Kerr and Burt NOES: Councilman Sturges ABSENT: Councilman Kirkpatrick the foregoing Ordinance was adopted. ~ V,~ ~ .I '.:r+ ~ ~ ~ RESOLUTION ~ 301~ ~ WHFRBAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has adopted Ordinance ~112, which arnenda section 28 of Ordinance 97, ~ WHEEtBAS, under the provisions of said Ordinance, the City ~oua~i~. is authorized to set the feea to be charged for installation of ~ extension mains, . ~ . NO~t THEREFOR, BE TT RESOLVID, that the cost af installatior~ of _ extensionsmains under the provisions of Section 1 of Ordir~ance ~l2 be and the same is herewith set at ~2.00 per lineal foot. Thi~ cast is that for the installation of a l~ inch aiain. ON 1~i0TI0N of Kerr, 8econded by Burt and on the following roll call vote: ~ AYFS: Simpson, Kerr and Burt, s~+.~oa, NOES: S#~ . . ~AHSENT: Kirkpatrick the foregoing resolution xas adopted this 3rd day of Narch, 19~lt. ' Mr.~At~derson ~ras asked to get prices on motor graders and report at the ~ I next ~eeeting. l The Chief of Police asked about a~oving the stop sign from the NW corner of Brid~s and Helson St. to the SW corner of the intersection. Mr. Harria asked Mr. Mderson to give him the location of the signs and also the location they are to be moved to and he would check xith the Division of Highways and see if they could be placed at the nex location. It was moved and seconded the Chief be instructed to order the Train3.ng Data he tiad requested. Councilman Stur-ges was appointed to write a letter to be sent with a copy ~ of the Anti-loitering Ordinance., suggested by the County, to P.T.A.~s~ school boards and youth organizations, etc. in the area and a special meeting be l~eld at a later date for discussion on the adoption of an Ordinance. Bills againat the General Fund for ~2833.38, the Water Fund for ~2~1~.11 and. the Water Deposit Fund for ~56.00 were audited, approved and ordered paid. - ~ ~ I~; Transfer of vouchers 36-3?-38-39 and 1t0 Were a roved and authorised PP I for transfer. No further busines~ appearing and upon motion t.he ~aeting ad~aurned. i ~f . ~ ~ . ATTEST: ' ity Clerk Mayor