Minutes 1954-04-07 3OQ ~ Arroyo Grande, California ~ April 7, 195~t ~ The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Sirrg~son presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Kerr, Kirkpatrick, Burt and Sturges reported present. The minutes of the regular and adjourned meeting were read and approved after correction. Mayor Simpson reported he had extended the invitation to the Channel Counties Division to hold the June meeting with the City of Arroyo Grande and the Council tentatively agreed to have the meeting in the Veteran's ~emborial Huild3.ng in Pismo Beach. The report from the Chief of Police for the month of March was read ~nd ordered filed. The request for a five year extension on the garbage contract was discussed and it was agreed to hold the matter over until the April 21st meeting ar~d Mr. ~,ndrew David and NIr. Antonio Martino be asked to attend the meeting. motion was made by Councilman Hurt and seconded by Cour~cilman Kirkpatrick to declare A,pril 13, 195~ a city Holiday and the offices to be closed or~ accou~t of Election Day. All members voted Aye. Mr. Halterman from the Division of Highways was present to discuss the pur chase of a portion of the City Park property and also a release from tl~e ~ity on that portion deeded to the Arroyo Grande Women's Club. Mr. Halterman reported the Division of Highways would pay the cost of policty of title and escroW fees on the property transfers. A'irr, Harris recomtnended that the Division of Highways and the Women's Club get a state~nt from ~3ecketts that the sale of the property would not violate the reversionary clause on the remainder of the property. A motion ~ras made by Councilman Kirkpatrick tha.t the City give a quit-claim deed on the Women's Club property after a satisfactory statement from ~3eckett to the city assuring the city that the sale would not violate the reversionary clause to the remainder of the property, and also a statement from the Wo~n's Club that the maney to be received from the sale of property to the Division of Highways be used on the women~e Club building. 7'he motion was seconded ti~r Councilman Burt and all members voted Aye. On the sale of part of the city park property by the city to the Division of Highways, a motion was made by Councilman Sturges to accept the offer ntrade by the Division of Highways and the money be set aside for park'property and after a satisfactory statement from the Becketts; Mayor Simpson be authorized to execute , ~W~ ' the papers in behalf of the city. The motion was seconded by Councilman.Kirk- patrick and all members voted Aye. Representatives of the Women's Club were present and asked about planting of the islands and Mr. Anderson was to work with the garden section of the Women's Club and it was also sugge5ted they might get some help from Cal Poly. . A letter from the San Luis Obispo Health Dept. on the survey they had ma.de in the Western Addition in regards to sewer-drainage was read and discussed, and a letter from O~Melveny and Myers explaining and outlining the Improvement Acts was read and it was agreed to hold the matter over until a letter from Mr. Wilson was received and discuss the sewer situation at the next meeting. The letter from Jexry Bennett, ~ire Chief was discussed and it was agreed to give permission for the Chief and two men to take the Fire Dept. Pickup to Santa , ; Barbara .~pril 2ltth subject to approval by the carrier of the Insurance-policies i on City Equipment. ~ ~ I Clean up of property in the city was discussed and it was agreed to look into l the matter at a later date. . i a Mr. Harris read the heading of Ordinance #113 and a motion was made by ~ Councilman Kirkpatrick, seconded by Councilman Sturges to elim~.nate reading the balance of the ordinance. All members voted Aye. . OI3DINAiJCE N0. 113 • AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FIXI~VG AND HFSIGNATING THE TIME AND FLACE OR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF `i'HE CITY OF ANROYO GRANDE, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCFS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH . ,On motion of Councilman Sturges and seconded by Councilman Burt and by the fol~owing roll call vote to-wit: _ .~YF.S: Councilmen Simpson, Kerr, Kirkpatrick, Burt and Sturges NOES: None , ~l3SENT: None . the foregoing ordinance was adopted. N;r. Anderson reported Mr. Beck had asked about the charge for sewer at the County Barn and the Council agreed they should be charged on the water bill the same as anyone else. Mr. Anderson asked about getting deeds from Brisco and Nlathews to connect Le Point Street with High Street so the street could be improved and he was given authorization to prepare the descriptions and see about the deeds. He was also a authorized to get easements to connect the water lines from Pine and W'alnut Streets to the new line being laid on Cypress Drive. ~+Q2 ~ ~ ~ ~ Mr. R. B. I~tineau asked if it was necessary to put in an application for C refund on the balance of the money put up by Mixieau and Loomia for water lines on Acacia and Pecan Streets. He was told it would not be necessary, the mot~ey woul.d be refunded xhen the line had been completed on Pecan Street. - Mayor Simpson appointed Councilman Burt chairman of a committee cotrq~s~d df Anderson, Kerr and himself to study the trailer ordinance prepaxed by.i~it~. Harris. Chief Mize asked about speed limit signs in the Ad-wood Tract as there.were small children in the streets and cars were driving through the tract fa~ter than was saf8. ~fter discussion it Was agreed to order four stop signs for the tx•a~t and also on Heech Street and ~ir. ~k,nderson give a description to Mr. Harris so he could write up a resolution for setting up ~he stop signs. I Chief Mize asked about fixing up and renting the house at the well as it was ' noW vacant. The matter was discussed and a motion mad~ by Mayor Simpson to renii I the house to Chief Mize for ~25.00 per month; l~ize would fix up•the place and keep a list of the ma.terials used, he would be credited for the amount paid f~rr , material at ~25.00 per month until it was cleared up and would then pay ~25.00 I I per month rent. Councilman Kirkpatrick also suggested he keep a list of #,he time used in fixing up the property. Couricilman Kerr seconded the motion a~d all , ~mbers voted Aye. - Chief Mize asked about attending the.F.B.I. Acade~ meeting in San DisgQ May 5,6 and 7 and after discu5sion it was thought the city could not aff`ord the trip. Bills against the General Fund for 9~4368.06, the Water Fund for ~13,72~,bE) and the Water Deposit Fund for ~16.00 were audited, approved and ordered pa~,d, On motion of Councilman Sturges and seconded by CounciLnan Kerr va~ci~ers ~ltl-lt2-Lt3-1.~ an lt5 were authori$ed for transfer. No further business appearing the meeting was ad~ourned. . ~ . .~~TEST: • ~ ity `erk Mayor