Minutes 1954-07-21 _ ~3~4 _ ~ ~ Q ~ Arroyo Grande, California ` April 21, 195~ ~ The City ~ouncil met in re~,ul.ar session with A~ayor Simpson presidi.ng. Upon roll call Councilmen Kerr, Pence, Bu'rt and Brennan reported present'. The minutes of the previous regulax meeting and special meeting were read and approved as read. ~ The next order of business was to choose the Mayor for the new council and ' Councilman Simpson nominated George Burt for Mayor~ Councilman Brennan mo~ved i nominations be closed. A motion was made by Councilman Pence that a uizanimous ballot be cast for Burt as Mayor, the motion was seconded by Councilman Kerr and all members voted Aye. I Mayor Burt then took the chair and appointed the folloxi.ng commissioners: Police and Fire: Councilman Kerr F'inance: Councilman Pence Water: Councilman Simpson Streets: Councilman ~rennan Mr. Andrew David and Antonio Martino were present to d~scuss an extension of time on the garbage contract, after discussion Mayor Burt appointed Simpsan, Brennan and ~nderson to make a study of the garbage agreement and extensiori and work with Mr. David and Martino. Mr. Harris agreed to call and give his opinion as to the legality of an extension of the contract without advertising for bids. The cnmmunication from the Division of Highway in regard to ~iait Claims on the property deeded to the Women's Club was read and Mr. Harris recommended the council table the matter until word was received from I~r. and rKrs. Hec~e~t. Ma.yor Burt appointed Councilman Simpson chairman of the co~nittee to take care of the meeting of the Channel Counties Division of the League to be he1c~ in June. - It was sug~ested they check with the American Legion abaut use of the ha11 but it was the general opinion it Would be best to use the Veteran's Memorial Ha11 in ~ Pismo Beach which would be available most any time but Tuesday or Wedne~ds,y. Mrs. Qeo. Ringland reported garbage was being burned in the open and thrown ~ in open pits in her beighborhood. She also reported the garbage company left her gate open and xas rough on the garbage can. Mr. Harris informed Mrs. Rir~gland if she would gine him the names of the parties ~ho were not taking care of t~ie garbage properly he xould write them and also fiave the Health Dept. check on ~hem. Mr. Harris read and discussed the trailer Ordinance he had prepared and said he would send down copies of the ordinance for the Planning Commission mse~ing, Opril 28th. ~ It was agreed the city would take care of the electric bills on the recreation hall. Clean'up was discussed and a motion made by Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman~Brennan to have May 10-11t and June 21-25 as clean-up weeks when the city would pick up weeds and trimmings. , Mr. Anderson was asked to have a 25 mile sign installed on Huasna Road city limits. It was agreed Mr. Anderson attend the meeting to be held in Santa ~arbara April 30th on standardizing subdivision regulations. Councilman Brennan was to find out if Camp Beale was the only camp under consideration for a na~ina~l academy, and if so a motion was made by Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Brennan authorizing the Mayor to sign a letter to the City of Marysville. Motion carried. Bills against the General Fund for $1800.05, and the Water Fund for ~782.50 were audited, approved and ordered paid. ' Mayor Burt reported he would like to carry out the same plan that had been ; followed for the last couple years as follows: If a department head or a Councilman ' had something to discuss he would go to the Commissioner of that Dept. and discuss it with him and if it was necessary to take it up with the council a meeting would then be called or the matter be held over to the next regular meeting of the council. No further business appearing the meeting was ad~ourned. - . , , ~ ATTFST : ~ s ~ _ City Clerk o