Minutes 1954-05-03 ~~0~ ~ c Arroyo Grande, California May ~ 195~t The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt presiding. Ugon roll call Councilmen Kerr, Pence, ~impson and Brennan reported present.' The minutes of the previous regular meeting ~rere read and approved as read. The reappoint~ent of departn~nt heads and appointive offices xas discussed and a motion was made by ~ouncilman Brennan, and seconded by Councilman Simpson.'to continue all appointments as they stand. Motion carried. . Mr. Harris recommended the G1uit Claim from Becketts be held over until next m~eting or until he had an ansxer from the letter he had written to th~ Becketts. `Phe quarterly meeting of the Channel ~ounties Division of the League was . discussed and a motion by Councilman Simpson and seconded by Councilman Brennan to set the da.te for the meeting at June ].l~th and Mr. M~.ze was authorized to contract for the Veteran's Memorial Hall at Pismo Beach for that date. Coun~cilman I~'C Simpson said he ~ould contact Mr. T.aubly of Lompoc to get n~re data and the co~ai.ttee to meet Irlay 15th in the afternoon to make more plans. Mr. Harris read the Z'railer Ordinance he had prepared. A motion was made by Councilman Brennan and seconded by Council~an Pence to accept the Ad Wood Tract ~75. All members voted Aye. • No headway had been made on the garhage and they e~cpected to have so~e- thing to report at the next ~et3ng. Mayor Burt reappointed Councilman Kerr to represent the Council on ti~e Planning Commission. Councilman Simpson brought up the new water line and the creek crossing. After discussion a m~tion was made by Simpson to cross on Newman Drive as it vas originally planned and make the crossing as economically as possibl~, The motion was seconded by Councilman Kerr and all members voted ~.ye. ~Y,:~ . Chief Mize reported he had hired Merle Henderson to work while Mr. Huehanan xas laid up and asked approval from the City Council. It was moved and secontied that he be approved. ~ uniform of some kind for the crossing guard xas d3scussed and it ~as agreed ~ ~ to give it some thought. ' Jerry Bennett asked for approval to purchase an o~rgen unit for $27.~5 ancl . Councilm~.n Kerr made a motion which was seconded by Councilman Penee to purchase the equipment. Al1 members voted Aye. Payment for the box on the fire dept. pickup was'tield over unti~ next a~eting , and A9ayor Burt snd Councilman Kerr agreed to~cheek on the charge for the box. ~ ~fl'?' Bills against the General Fund for ~2503.90,..the Water Fund for #3911.67, and the Water Deposit Fund for ~36.00 were audited approved and ordered paid. Motion by Simpson seconded by Kerr to authorize_ the transfer of vouchers #l~6-1~7-48-1~9. No further business appearing the meeting was adjourned. ~ I ~ , ~ AT'PFST: ~ ~ City Clerk i~:ayo~ ' v a . ; , , i i i 1 ~ i a ~ - ~ ~ ' .