Minutes 1954-05-18 3:Q8 . ~ . _ ~ Arroyo Grande, California l . . May 18, 1951~ 'I The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt presidin~. Upon ' roll call 8ouncilmen Kerr, Pence, Simpson and Brennan reported present. The minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved as read. A. motion was made by Councilman Simpson, seconded by ~ouncilman Brennan tp change the date for the quarterly meeting of the Channel Counties Division of the Lesgue of California Cities from June 1.l~th to June 17th so the cities aoul.d ~i paxticipate in the nation wide Civ31 Defense Drill. All members voted Aye. The payment for the box for the Fire Dept. Pickup was discussed and it was reported the Fire Dept. had paid ~75.00 from their fund. A motion Kas made by Councilman Brennan, seconded by Councilman Kerr to pay the balance on the box from the Fire Dept. Budget which had been set up to purchase hose. All membera vot+~d Aye. It was also agreed that hereafter any such purchase should be made by having plans made and to get estimates and go through the regular purchase order. The creek crossing of the water line was discussed and the Engineer advised he thought it would be morc~e economical to go under the creek litith the lin~. It was agreed to get plans and specifications ready to call for bids on the layirig of the , 8 inch t~ater line on Valley Road and to have estima.tes for the creek crossing on a cost plus basis. Mr. Harris read the heading of the Trailer Ordinance and a motinn ~ras made by Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Brennan to dispense with the balance of the readin . 8 ORDINANCE #114 - ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REGULATING THE USE OF 5TORAGE AND MAINTENANCB OF TRAII,ERS OUT- SIDE OF AUTO OR TR~ILER CAMPS AND PROVIDING PENAL- TIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. On motion of Councilma.n Brennan, and seconded by Councilman Simpson, snd on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Burt, Kerr, Pence, Simpson and Brennan NOFS : None A&tiENT : None the foregoing ordinance was adopted this 18th day of May, 195~t. ~a~ Mr. Harris asked to have Mrs. Covert call Mr. Beckett or give his phone number to Mr. Harris so they might get a letter back for the June lst meeting. The request from A. T. Burt for refund of money paid for sewer hook-up, meter installation and Building Permit was discussed and a motion made by Council- man Brennan, se~onded by Councilman Pence to refund the sewer hook-up and the price of the water meter. All members voted Aye except Mayor Burt, who did not vote. { 'I`here was discussion on the relocation of water lines where the new Freeway is to be constructed. A motion was ma.de by ~ouncilma.n Brennan, seconded by Council- ; man Simpson, authorizing i''Ir. Anderson to make arrangements to secure plans and specifications on relocation of the water lines. Motion carried. ~ The city received a request from the Division of Highways for permission to construct a connection to Barnett Street from the existing Highway which will remain as a frontage road and to improve a small area at the intersection of , Vernon A~venue. After discussion a motion was made by Councilman Simpson, seconded ' by Councilman Kerr to grant the request. ' Admiral Jackson and Mr. Elmer Moody representing the Civil Defense for this , region and county, were present. Admiral Jackson thanked the Council for changing ' the date of the Channel Cities meeting from June 11t to June 17, He also invited the members of the Council to stop in the Santa Barbara office when down i that way to inspect the Civil Defense headquarters there. He said there might be money available next year for fire equipment on a matching basis. i~r, Ray Anderson asked if the city could oil Leedham Lane or E. Cherry to alleviate the dust in that area and he was told they would try and include it in the next budget. , RESOLUTION #30? BE IT RFSOLVED THAT THOSE PERSONS DESIRING WA'I'ER SERVICE ON ~l'HE W~T SIDE OF PECAN STREET AND THE SOUTH SIDE 0~' FARREL ROAD SHALL BE PERMIT'I'~:D `l'0 HOOK ON ~l'0 THE WATER LINE ADJACENT TO THEIR PROP~TY UPON PAYMENT BY THEM OF ONE DOLL,AR (~1.00) PER FRONT FOGT. On motion of Councilman Simpson, and seconded by Councilman Brennan and by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Burt, Kerr, Pence, Simpson and Brennan NOES: None AB.SENT : None the foregoing resolution was adopted. 310 ~ ~ ~ ~ Mr. Anderson Was suthorized to sell the old gas ha~r which the city did not need any more. On motion of Councilma.n Brennan, and seconded by Councilman Simpson, the Enginaering Dept. was authorized to prepare the necessary papers for the prelimi- nary agreement for next years gas tax money to be spent on streets of ma3or importance and also ask for the transfer of the pro~ect money set up for Cornwall to be used on the Valley Road and Grand Avenue pro3ects. All members voted Aye. I~ 1Kr. .A,nderson and Mr. Harris reported l~ir. Gooding had agreed to mave the I~I foundation he had built over the sewer trunk line if the city would halp with a couple men and the compressor and help some to set the new forms. Mr. Anderson was authorized to ta.ke caxe of work. Discussion on allowing Mr. Gooding to hook onto the sewer trunk line follawed and the Council agreed there would be no outside hook-ups to the sewer. Bills against the General Furid for ~1786.91t and the Water Fund for ~782.50 ! were audited, approved and ordered paid. d . No further business appearing the ~eting ad~ourned. Ii~ , , ATTEST: ity Clerk Mayor . i