Minutes 1954-07-06 df:~
Arroyo Grande, California
July 6, 195~
The ~ity Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt presiding. Upon roll
call Councilmen Kerr, F'ence, Simpson and Brennan reported present.
The minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved as read.
Representatives from the Division of Highways were present to discuss the
relocation of water lines on the new freeway and after discussion a motion was made
by Councilmen Simpson, seconded by ~ouncilman Brennan, authorizing the Mayor to sign
the agreement for relocation of water lines on the freeway. All members voted Aye.
Mr. Anderson reported firebreaks had been made around the city property at ~
the wells. '
Mayor Burt appointed Councilman Simpson to serve with ~ouncilman Kerr as '
representatives from the city on the South San Luis ~bispo ~arbor Development
It was agreed to have Mr. ~l'aylor attend the council meeting July 20th to
discuss insurance policies of the city. • i
It was agreed that a letter be written to the women's Club to notify them
that unless they took action on the planting of the islands within 30 days the ;
city would have to go ahead with the planting. .
Mr. Anderson reported he had been contacted by representatives of the county '
about the city participating in the removal of the Gum trees on Elm Street in
front of the city property and also about drainage of water on Elm Street to the
City property. After discussion the council agreed they would not participate '
in the removal of trees or agree to allow drainage onto the city property.
There was a lengthy discussion in regard to cost of sewers in Western Addition
and Mr. Anderson was asked to get estimates on the cost per front foot on the lots
to be served.
Ntr. Mize asked permission to attend a meeting in Pasadena for one-day. His
re~uest was granted.
R~OLUlION #312
A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande
to cancel the following warrants:
l. General Fund Warrant #160 for $2.20
Written 10-1t-1950 to Fuller's
2. Water deposit Fund Warrant ~3 for $1.50
Written 8-1-1951 to L. L. Waldren
3. General Fund Warrant #l~29 for ~3.20
_ Written 1-7-1953 to Albert Essig
And that warrants be written to replace the warrants to:
1. Fuller's for ~2.20
2. Albert Essig for ~3.20
On motion of Councilman Brennan and seconded by Councilman
Simpson and on the following roll call i~ote to-wit:
. ~,YES: Councilmen Burt, Kerr, Pence, Simpson and Brennan _
NOES: None
the foregoing resolution was adopted.
~ lengthy discussion on budgets folloWed with no action taken on any of
them and it was agreed to ad3ourn the meeting to a later date when the budgets
would be gone over and adopted.
Bills against the General Fund for ~5,529.l~6, the Water Fund for $2Q$5.77,
and the Water Deposit Fund for ~l~1t.00 xere audited, approved, and ordered`paid.
. ~
3t was moved, seconded and unanimously approved that vouchers 55 ~t~r'o~gh ~
68 be transferred. w
No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was ad~ourned to
7 P.M. July 13, 195~•
. -
~~r7~~~r :
ity Clerk - Mayor
j Arroyo Grande, Califor~t3.a
~ July 13, 195Lt ? P.M.
The City Council met in an ad3ourned session with Mayor Burt presiding.
~ Upon roll call Councilmen Kerr, Pence, Simpson and Brennan reported present.
The first budget to be considered was the Street Budget and after discussion
a motion was msde by Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Brennan to adppt
the street budget as set up with a 5~ raise on salaries. Total for maintenance
and construction ~1~5,Lt69.5~. All ~mbers voted Aye.
The next budget to be considered was the Administrative ~udget and a motion
made by Councilman Brennan, seconded by Councilman Pence to adopt the bud$et as set
up with ~ 5~ raise on salaries. Total ~11,790.00. All members voted ~,ye.
Next budget considered was the police Budget and a motion was aade by
Councilma.n Brennan, seconded by Councilman Simpson to adopt the Police budget as
amended. Total ~29,716.80 with the understanding that if the approval came
through on Sgt. Richardson to attend F.B.I. Academy, tMe money would be ~en
from the General Fund if available. All members voted Aye.
The Fire Dept. Budget was discussed and after several amendments a r~tion
was made by ~ouncilma.n Brennan, seconded by Councilman Kerr to adopt the bud~et.
To~tal ~3412.00. All members voted Aye. - -