Minutes 1954-07-13 316 ~ ~ ~ ~ On motion of Councilma.n l3rennan and seconded by Councilman Simpson and on the following roll call ~ote to-wit: AY~S: Councilmen ~urt, Kerr, Pence, Simpson and Brennan NOES: None . ~SENT : None the foregoing resolution was adopted. 4~ lengthy discussion on budgets followed with no action taken on any of them and it was agreed to adjourn the meeting to a later date when the budgets would be gone over and adopted. isills against the General Fund for $5,529.1t6, the Water Fund for $2085.77, and the Water Deposit Fund for ~plt1~.00 were audited, approved, and ordered paid. ' It was moved, seconded and unanimously approved that vouchers 55 throu~h 68 be transferred. No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned to 7 P.M. July 13, i954. . AT~l'ES'1' : City Clerk Mayor Arroyo Grande, Galifornia J~Y 13, 1954 7 P.M. The City Council met in an adjourned session with Mayor Burt presidi.ng. Upon roll call Councilmen Kerr, Pence, 5impson and Brennan reported present. The first budget to be considered was the Street Budget and after discussion a motion was made by Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Brennan to adopt the street budget as set up with a 5~ raise on salaries. Total for'maintenance and construction $1~5,469.5~t• All members voted Aye. The next budget to be considered was the Administrative ~udget and a motion ma.de by Councilman Brennan, seconded by Councilman Pence to adopt the budget as set up with ~ 5~ raise on salaries. Total ~11,790.00. Al1 members voted Aye. Next budget considered was the police Budget and a motion was aade by Councilman Brennan, seconded by Councilman Simpson to adopt the Police budget as amended. Total ~29,716.80 with the understanding that if the approval came through on 5gt. Kichardson to attend F.B.I. Academy, the money would be taken from the General ~'und if available. Al1 members voted Aye. The Fire Dept. Budget was discussed and after several amendments a motion was made by ~ouncilma.n Brennan, seconded by Councilman Kerr to adopt the budget. Total $3412.00. All members voted Aye. ~ , 317 ~ ~ , ; ~ The Miscellaneous Budget was discussed and a motion made by Councilman Kerr, ~ j ~ seconded by Councilman Brennan to adopt the budget as set up. Total ~6655.00 i , i .~11 members voted Aye. i ~L'he Sanitation Budget was adopted on a motion made by Councilman ~irennan, ~ seconded by Councilman Kerr and all members voted Aye. Total ~3380.00 ~ The water Budget was discussed and a motion made by Councilman Simpson to i adopt the budget as amended on clerk's salary. Councilman Brennan objected on the ~1000.00 set up for relief on ~risco subdivision. Councilman Simpson then recommended that the $1000.00 be cut from the budget and made a motion that the revised budget be adopted, the motion was seconded by Councilman Brennan and all members voted Aye. No further business appearing and upon motion, the meeting was adjourned. AT~l'E.tiT : /.~~,o • i,~. ~OL'~~~./~ ~ City Clerk . Mayor ,