Minutes 1954-07-20 °318 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c Arroyo Grande, Califarnia j July 20, i954 I i The ~ity Council met in regular session with Ma.yor ~3urt presiding.` Upon roll ~ call Councilmen Kerr, Pence, Simpson and Brennan reported present. I The minutes of the previous regular and adjourned meeting were resd and approved as read. r~r. T~rlor was present to discuss the insurance policies and the co~,ncil I asked him to have the exclusion removed from the Water works. I Mr. Gooding asked about the city helping with the cost of the concrete to be ' used in replacing the foundation which gad been removed Prom over the city trun~C ,I ~ line of the.sewer. He said it would take about 22 yds and would cost around ~32.5~. Councilman Kerr aade a motion, seconded by Councilma.n Pence to pay ~ of the c~st on the 22 yds. of concrete to replace the foundation. After discussion it was thought best to take the matter up with Mr. Harris so as not to set a preeeden'~. The motion and second were then withdrawn, and Mr. Gooding was told he t~oul.d be notified after the council had discussed it with Mr. Harris. It was agreed to continue the hearing on the abandonment of Acacia Street ~ until next meeting. The plans and specifications for relocating the water lines on the freeway were approved by the council and a motion made by ~ouncilman ~rennan and seconded by Councilman Si~apson authorizing Mr. Anderson to advertise for bids on the work and the bids to be opened at 8 P.M. August 3, 195~t• ~otion carried. Mr. Hamlin was asked about estimates on the creek crossing for water lines and estimated it would cost around ~9920.00 on the Newman Drive location plus around ~2300.00 for bank proteetion. The crossing where the sewer line crossed would be around ~10,000.~0. It ~ras then decided to see if a right-of-~ray through Mr. Head's property could be obtained as the creek crossing could be accomplished more easily there and it would not take quite so much pipe. RESOLUTION #313 WHERFAS, the month of July 195lt has been designated as "Recognition l~ionth" for those public spirited citizens who have given freely of their time and efforts in promoting the sale of Unit~d States War Bonds and now, United States Savings Bonds; and, WHEREAS, the Mayor, and Councilmen representing the ~ity of Arroyo Grande~ desire to join in this recognition; NOW, THER~OAE, BE IT RFSOLVED, by the city council of the City of A~royo (~rande; ~ ~ 1. That a copy of this Resolution be sent to Mr. George E. Grieb, Area Deputy Director of Saving Bonds Divison, U. S. Treasury Department, at his office 1031 South Broadway, Los Angeles 15, California. 2. ~l'hat a copy of this Resolution be presented to P4r. Edwin M. Taylor who currently serves as chairma.n of our community Savings Bonds Committee. Passed and adopted, this 20th day of July 1951t, at the regular meeting of the city council of the ~ity of Arroyo Grande, by the following vote, to-wit: ~,YF~S: Councilmen Burt, Kerr, Pence, Simpson and Brennan NOF:S ; None ~ ABSENT: None ~ A'1'T~;ST : ' ~ity•Clerk Mayor On motion of Councilman Simpson and seconded by Councilman Brennan, ~'1r. Anderson was authorized to notify any of the contractors wanting water for use on ' the freeway construction, that they would have to stand the cost of a!~" meter and ; the installation of the meter and standpipe and water would be supplied at the prevailing rate. All members voted Aye. Councilman Simpson reported he and Co~ncilman Brennan had met with l~r. ~''lartino and Andrew David in regard to,extension of time on the garbage contract. They felt it would be alright to extend the time on the contract so he could arrange for the I dump site. Councilman S~.mpson requested permi.ssion.to leave the state on his vacation and he would be gone the first three weeks in August. It was moved and seconded that his request be granted. It was agreed that several of the Councilmen would attend the dinner meeting in San Luis Obispo, July 26th, to be the guests of the Board of Supervisors. Purpose a i ~ , of the meeting was to discuss a uniform Dog Ordinance for the cities and county. ~ 1 Plans and specifications for curbs and gutters were approved and on motion of ~ Councilman Simpson and seconded by Councilman Brennan, Mr, Anderson was given ~ { authorization to advertise for bids when approval had been given by the state, the bids would be opened August 17, 195l~ at 8 P.Nl. All members voted Aye. Bills against the General Fund for $1871.21, and the Water Fund for ~1635•5~ were audited, approved and ordered paid. No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting adjourned. . ATTE.ST : Ci y Clerk Mayor