Minutes 1954-10-05 tJ~.t~ -
Arroyo Grande, California
Octbber 5, 1954
The ~ity Council met in regular session with Ma~or Burt presiding. TJpon roll
call.{%ouncilmen Kerr, Pence, Simpson and Brennan reported present. The minutes of
the previous regular meeting were read and approved as read.
f~'ir, Anderson reported he had no further prices or information on street signs
but said the new Junior Chamber of ~ommerce being organized had said they might be '
interested in such a project.
Mr. Peden and l~lr. Head were present to discuss the easement for water line over
their property and after discussion a motion was made by Councilman Simpson to pay
~50.00 for the easement and put an oil mis surface on their driveway to the garage
after putting in the line, the motion was seconded by Councilman Brennan and all
rr-iembers voted Aye. Motion carried. -
F~. H. Fhillips and Don Shaffer were present from the Arro,yo Urande Planning
Commission to discuss Don Uullicksons request for a covered. car port from his
garage to the front property line. l~tr. Ciullickson agreed to make changes in the
wall and Mr. Harris recoirmiended that it be left up to the Planning Commission and
also said it would not set a precedent as each request for variance would have to
_ be considered separately. Gullickson agreed to change his plans an.d submit the plan
to the commission.
i~r. Anderson had estimates on the North Garden Street sewer which had been
prepared by Mr. Pearson and a motion was made by Councilman Simpson to notify the
property owners on North Garden Street that we have the engineer's estimate and the
council recommends the forced main system. The motion was seconded by Councilman
~irennan and all members voted Aye.
Mr. Anderson reported he had ta}~ked with the state and the contractor about
installing the 8 inch conduit across the new freeway and a motion was made by ;
Councilman Brennan to have the contractor install the conduit under the two lanes and
the cost not to exceed ~400.U0 plus ~p50.00 for the welding. "ihe metion was seconded
by Councilman 5impson and all members voted Aye.
It was agreed to call for bids on the water line and the creek crossing from
halcyon Road well to the line on tYiis side of the creek. y~hen plans and specifications
are ready, call a meeting to set a date for opening bids.
There was some discussion on the rental and charges on the seaman mixer and
~nderson was to contact i~Ir.~McElhaney and get a definite understanding. i
332 ~ a'
Bills against the General Fund for ~51~2.08, the Water Fund for $30~.0.67, the il
Water Deposit ~'und for ~32.00, the Sewer Rental Fund for ~6.61t, and the Special
Gas `rax St. Imp. Fund for ~5821.20 were audited, agproved and ordered paid. It was
moved and seconded.that vouchers #13-7.~-15-16 and 17 be authorized for transfer.
No further business_appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned.
ity Clex~k Mayor
Arroyo Grande, California
October 6, 19~~ 1 P.M. -
Special meeting called to set a date for opening bids on the water line and
' creek crossing. Mayor Burt presided and ~ouncilmen Kerr and Pence were prese#t~,
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absent Councilmen Simpson and'~r~~nanr~•-, '
Councilman gence made a motion to advertise for bids on the creek crossing,
with add alternate, to put in the water line, the bids to be opened at 7:30 P.M.
(3ctober 19, 195l~. The motion was seconded by l%ouncilman Kerr and all present vated
!~,ye. ~bsent Councilmen Simpson and ~3rennan.
No further busine8s appearing the meeting was adjourned.
A'1'TFST : ~"/~4 •
City C1erk Mayor •
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