Minutes 1954-10-19 3~~ Arroyo Grande, California . October 19, 195~t The City Council met in regular session with Nlayor Burt presiding. Upon roll call ~ouncilmen Kerr and Pence reported pr esent. Absent Councilmen Brennan and Simpson, The minutes of the previous regular meeting were read ar~d approved as read. RESOLUI'ION #321 RESOLUTIOIV AliTHORIZING ACCEPTAi1CE AiJD RECORDAI'IOiV OF AN EASEi~iENT FRO1~I J~'~ES AND JEAPv HEAD AND T. L. AiVD GERTRUDE PEDEN TO THE CITY OF ARROYO JI~IVDE. On motion of Councilman Pence and seconded by Councilman Kerr and on the following roll call vote to-wit: , tiYES: Councilmen Burt, Kerr and I'ence NO~:S : None Aii~EN`i': Councilmen Brennan and 5impson the foregoing resolution was adopted. ~ Councilrnan Pence said the Recreation S~~ e d a meeting and there was some discussion in regard to a city tax for recreation purposes, however it would be necessary to have ar. electicn before it wculd be possible to set a tax for that purpose. Bids for installation of the 8 inch water line and creek crossing were opened and taken under adviserr.ent by :'•~r. Hanlin and iv~r, ~nderson. TJir. Hamlin later re- commended that Unit 1 be awarded to the Valley Paving Co. for $p1700.00 and Units 2 and 3 be awarded to W. I1. Lyle ~o. for ~1870.00 and ~200.00 or ;~2070.U0 total. A motion was made by Councilman Kerr, seconded by Councilman Pence to accept the bid on Unit 1 to Valley Paving ~o. and Unit 2 and 3 to W. i~T. Lyle Co. All members present voted Aye. The committee headed by Deril P. `v~aiters, to stu~:iy water dept. finances held a meeting and asked about having York Feterson, Engineer make a reappraisal of the Wa~ter Dept. He had been contacted and agreed to do the work for ~p300.00. A motion was made by Councilman Fence sedonded by Councilman Kerr to appro- priate ~v340.00 for the appraisal for the ~itizen's Committee. It was reported the Blinker light had been torn down and the Insurance carrier was to be contacted to see if there wculd be any insurance coverage on it. The ambulance which Deril 1rlaiters was willing to give the city was discussed and NIr. Harris was to report on the legality of the operation by the city at the next Council meeting. A { ~ ~ f I 33~ ~ ~ ~ ~ On motion of Councilman Pence and seconded by Couneilman Kerr, Anders4n was given permission to attend the Water Works Convention in Long Beach October 26th to 29th. On motion of Councilman Pence and seconded by Councilman Kerr, it was agreed to pay the Chief~s expenses to the Los Angeles League of Cities meeting. Bills against the General Fund for ~1935.~7 and the Water Fund for ~981~.02 were aud~ted, approved and ordered paid. No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was ad~ournmd. ' , + A~l"t"EST : ity ~lerk yor 'I