Minutes 1954-11-16 ~ i ~ ~ i Arroyo Grande, California November 16, 195~ The City Councilmet in regular session with Mayor Burt presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Kerr, Pence, Simpson and Brennan reported present, 1'rie minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved as read. Nir. Andrew llavid was present and asked about annexation to the City. He stated he did not represent any group but there had been some talk about the area going into the Fair Grove Fire vistrict and he wondered how that would work if at a later date there was some annexation. He asked about sewer installation and what would be available if they should decide to annex. Councilman Brennan suggested a committee be appointed to get information together on the subject. Mayor Surt appointed Councilmen Yence, Simpson and Brennan and they were to meet Friday, Nov. 19th at 2 P.i`~. to prepare information on annexation. Chief Niize asked to have two 25 mile signs ordered for Grand Avenue. ' RESOLUTION #~322 RESOLUTIOIV OF ~1'HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING '1fiF, PLACING AND MAIN1'ENANCE OF 25 MILE SIGNS ON GRAND AVENUE BETWEEN 101 HIGi~4JAY Ai~D HALCYON ROAD. On motion of Councilman Brennan and seconded by ~ouncilman Kerr, and on the following roll call vote to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Burt, Kerr, Yence, Simpson and Brennan ' NUF.~ : iVone ~ ; A13SEN`i' : None ~ the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted. It was moved and seconded Chief Nlize be authorized to attend a meeting in :ianta NIonica Nov. 17th. Insurance on Councilmen and Police Officers was discussed and Mr. Taylor was checking on the city insurance policy and was to check with Mr. Harris. Nlr. David and Tony Nlartino were present to discuss garbage problems and he reported he had set up a route book and was having someone become familiar with the route so in case he could not take it, the regular pickup would be made. He also reported the reason for collecting in advance was to prevent losing so much money when people move away owing him. RESOLUTION ~323 RESOLU`i'ION OF `1'IiE CITY COUI~ICIL OF `lHE CITY OF Aft~t0Y0 GRANDE: BE IT RESOLVED THAT TH~; GARBAGE CONTRACT AGEPJCY BE ALL0I~ED `I'0 COLL~;Ci' GA1~3AvE BILL~ ONE MON`1'H I1V ADVANCE. 338 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . K On motion of Councilman 5impson, and seconded by Councilman Pence and by i the following roll call vote to-wit: ; AYES: Councilmen Burt, Kerr, Pence, Sirrg~son and Brennan NOES: None ; ABSET~T : None the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted. "i'he sewer hook-up for the new elementary school was discussed and Mr. ~nderson was to check on the number of lavatories before deciding on the hook-up charge. Bills against the General Fund for ~1896.50, and the Water Fund for ~908.38 were audited, approved and ordered paid. No further business appearing the meeting was ad~ourned. A,TTEST : City Clerk Mayor ~ , f ~ 'i