Minutes 1954-12-21 3~:~ ~ ~ Arroyo Grande, California ' December 21, 1951~ ' The City Council met in regular session with I~a.yor Burt presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Kerr, Pence and Brennan reported present. Absent Council- ' man Simpson. 1`1linutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved as read. ; A letter was read from T•Zr. Fred Nloore of the Division of Highways reporting the gtate had no excess property which would be available for park purposes. The clerk was asked to send a copy of Yiis letter to Mr. Wm. Scott of the Kecreation Comrr;ittee. Councilman Brennan reported for tne Comr~2ittee appointed to study the ambulance project. '1'hey felt the plan not feasible due to the age of the ambulance and if a service was once started it would have to be kept up. They decided to recommend that the project be abandoned until such time as a hospital of some sort would be located in this area. It was recommended that a letter be written to Nir. Waiters advisin~ him of the decision. Councilman Brennan reported I'~ir. Matchan had asked about having some work done on that portion of the street used for a driveway in back of his place and Niiss Wall's. Counciiman ~irennan had discussed the work with Mr. ~nderson and thought it could be done for around ~plUU.00 and after discussion it was agreed to have Mr. Anderson do the work up to ~100.00. ~ Councilman Pence reported on the committee meeting to discuss annexation. It was agreed the Council would meet with the Citizen's Committee to study the water dept. and make recomrnendations for rates, and 2'uesday Jan. llth was set as t;he meeting date. " Property owners from the East end of t~nan who were requestir.g water line extension to their property were present. The line would run about 1t50 ft. or more where there would be no consumers and the four property owners would have to stand all the expense. 1'here was a discussion on having a dinner meeting to discuss better road frorr: the Nlesa into town. A mction was made by Councilrr;an Brennan, seconded by Councilman Kerr to close i the hall at noon on Friday Dec. 2l~th and on Dec. 31st motion carried. a Bills against the General Fund for ~178l~.26, and the Water Fund for ~9l~5.61 were audited, approved and ordered paid. i~io further business appearing the meeting was adjourned. ~ . A,'I'rl'F~T : City Clerk Mayor