Minutes 1955-01-04
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Arroyo Grande, California C
January !t, 1955
1'he City Council met in regular ses~ion with Mayor Burt presiding. Upon
roll call Councilmen Kerr, Pence, Simpson and Brennan reported present.
~Iinutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved as read.
A letter of resignation from Robert Shaft was read and Councilman Simpson
made a motion, seconded by Councilman Brennan to accept the resignation of
Officer Shaft. All members voted Aye.
Chief Mize asked for authorization to h~re Ralph Winslow to replace Officer
Shaft. Councilman Brennan made the motio~, seconded by Councilman Kerr to hire
Mr. Winslow for patrolman to serve at the pleasure of the council. All members
voted Aye.
A letter from G. S. Dana asking to purchase a used siren which had been
taken off the fire truck was read and discussed. Councilman Brennan made a motion
seconded by ~ouncilman Pence to sell the siren to i'~Ir. Dana for $20.00. Motion
i~ir. Harris recommended that the City Council deny the claim of Bertha t~i.
Cook Admx. of the ~stat~~~of Calvin Cook, deceased. Upon motion of Couricilman
Simpson, seconded by Coun~~lman Kerr and by unanimous vote it was agreed to deny
the claim of I3ertha M. Cook, etc. Mr. Harris agreed to prepare the letter to
the Attorneys representing Bertha M. Cook,etc. .
Councilma.n Brennan brought up the selling of the five acres on the Mesa.
Deril Waiters was interested in purchasing the property if it could be sold. Mr.
Harris agreed to look into the legality of selling the property.
Bills against the General Fund for ~1~013.J~3, the ~later Fund for ~5151.28, '
the Sewer Rental Fund for $11.90 and the Water Deposit Fund for ~32.00 were
audited, approved and ordered paid.
On motion of Councilma.n Brennan, seconded by Councilman Kerr and by unanimeus
vote of inembers, vouchers #33 through #39 were authorized for transfer.
The Dec. 30th budge~ report was studied arid with exception of one or two items
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expenditures seemed to be in line. Niost of the street work for the fiscal year '
had been done and from now on it would be maintenance, also the main part of water
line construction had been accomplished.
No further business appearing upon motion the meeting adjourned.
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City lerk Mayor