Minutes 1955-01-13 ~4~
• Arroyo Grande, California
danuary 13, 1955
The City Council met informally with the Citizen's Committee appointed to
make a survey of ttie water dept. Present i~layor ~surt, Councilmen Kerr, ~'ence and
Simpson, P~1r. Harrilin and J. E. Anderson; absent Councilman Brennan. ~l'hose present
from Water Comrnittee were Deril P. 4~aiters, Don Deal, Don Rowe, J. E. Baxter,
Uon Uhristianson and Don i~lcElhany.
T~iayor Burt thanked the committee for their work and then turned the meeting
over to the Water Comrlittee. Mr. Waiters as chairman discussed the report which
had been prepared. He said the committee would not recommend a raise in rates at
this time. `1'hey recommended a rLaster plan be set up for the next 5 to 10 years to
take care of future expensicn and more storage space. If that was done they might
be willing to have.a raise to set aside rnoney for the extra expense. j
1U1r. Hamlin thought he and i~~r. Anderson could prepare a master plan within
the next tYiree montr~s and they were asked to have it ready f or the second meeting
in April so it could be considered before budget time.
It was also suggested the Planning Cor,mission be asked to make a study of
the water report.
TVo further business the meeting adjourned.
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Al`~i'~T :
Clty Clerk ilayor