R 2252 341 IlESOLlJI'lON NO. 2252 RESOLUTION OF '111E CITY COUNCIL OF 'J1\E Cl'JY 0\: ARROYO CI:!INDE RECOGNIZING 'J1IE NECESSITY TO Pl{OV IDE HWORTANl' IIOUSING OPPOItl1JNITIES FOR OWER PERSONS \\1WIlEJ\S, there existed in the City of An-oyo GI'anue :J need for senior housln~ in 1977, anJ tl,at need "as l'ccognizeJ by City l:OIU1.:il; anJ \~IILREi\S , Oal; Park Ll'isure G:nJ"ns "as .:onceived, designeu anll built as a senior ,:oJluJlunity Ivith approval of City COlUlCil; allu l'IIIUlEAS, Oak Park Leisure Cardcns then',ILter existeu as a Senior COJlulluni ty 'vith an age I imit of 40 years with at least 90t of the J'esiuents \Join!; 55 or OVel" unt il the State Lcgislatur... ..'mlcteo a l'cvision of the Clvi I Couc requiring n mlnimwlI age of 55; anJ \\IIE,{E.<\S, the Roanl of Directors of Oak P:lI'k Leisure Cardens COlllp1leJ witl. the reviseJ Civil CoJe by enforcing a minullulIi age of 55; and \v1IUU \i\S , thcre is presently :J grolving Jemanu [or Slm lor hous ing in Arro)'o Crande. NlM 'J111;REFOJ~" BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City o[ Arroyo Cranue recognizes tbc necessity to provide important honsing opportunities l'or ol<.kr pCi'sons anJ supports the COIK..'pt of Oak 1':IJ'k Leisul'c Ca,'dcJls anJ that it be 1I~lint:Jjned Cor senior <.:it izcns per the Callfornia Civil Code. On mot ion by Council Member Johnson ,seconJeu by COlUICH ~1l'mbcJ' Porter , anu by thc CollOlving roll call vote, to wi t: AYES: Council Members Johnson, Porter, Millis, Moots and Mayor Mankins NOES: None i\1\~;EN'l' : None the fore!:oin!!. Resolut ion was aJopted this 27th u"y of September , 1988. )Jr' . ~~ 1') · ~-~t.4. lii A'J"rES'!' : ~ a. ~?n..,~ J CI' C. . I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution NO. 2252 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 27th day of September, 1988. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 29th day of September, 1988. ~~a, ~ C!TY LERK ~__ ___.___u, . .__ _".__