Minutes 1955-01-25 344 ~
Arroyo C~rande, Califor~ia .
.rsannu~ is, ~955
Only Hayor Burt aud Council~an Pence appeared and as there xere not envug#~
Couricilmen pres~nt for a a~eeting, it Waa decided to aet the meeting cis?tar gor
danu~sry 25, 1955 at 7:3o P.M. -
~ aanv~ry 25, ~955
The City Conncil met ia an ad3ourned aession xi.th l~ayor Burt preaiding.
Upon roll call Councilmen Pence, ~impson and Brennan reported present. ~baent
Cour~ci].nx~a Kerr.
Th~ ~inutea cf tbe previous regular and special meetinga xere read and
approved aa read.
The letter o! reaignation tron J. C. ICerr was read and a niotion t~ra= sade •
by Councilmaa Si~opao~ and seeond~d by Councilman Brennan to aceept the re~ig~asLioa.
?17. ~embera voted dye.
Bids for gasoline xere opened and read and the bid from Shell Oil Co, baing ~
~he lovest, a~otion ~ras ~de by Councila~an Simpaon, and aeconded by Cc~unc~,l~nan
Penea to accept t~e bid of Shell ~il Co. All me~abera voted Aye. -
It xa~ dmcidsd that there would be no sale of the five acrea on tl~e I~aa
at thia ti~ne.
~e notice from the ~na I~uis Obiapo County Planning Con~iasion in regard t~
a~weeting in San Luis on February 9th, was read and Mr. Anderson xae ask~d to
•ttend tihe ~eeting. There will bs a short film and discusaion on the nstr:of
Ss~itary 3.4ud Fi13,a for garbage di~rpoeal.
Mr. Harry Thrasher, Mr. Torgizy AAC~ M!'. Mallory were present to di~cuss ths
a~mbulat?c~ pro~eat and 2~. Thrasher rapresented the group. They ~rould like to havs
a citi~en's Co~i.ttee to aaaenble the tacta nruch the s~e a,s the co~.ttee stt~
iag the xater problems for the city. Mr. Thrasher Fequested Councilman BrennAn to
xork xith the cc~mnittee aa~he had been chairman of the cas~ittee ~ppoiated by t?he
Councii to atuc~jr the aabulane~ pro~eet. After some dis~uasion Council~~ Hrex~ta
agreed to help out.
Th~ a~r~r on Bell 3treet Ka~ diacu~sed and Mr. Aruiers~on r~perted tha thre~e
p~opertq oxaara ~xd put up 10~6 oi the eatia~.ted cost on the i,netallatio~p. I~.
Joba Bayer ar~d ~usell wer~ present and reported thaea oi ths propert~r c~ers or?
0~1c Street xould like to have ssxar in~talled on their portion of Oak 3treet. 3'h~y
x,ere to contact o#.hsr c>wn~rm and Mr. ,~nderso~ xould get xa eatimatt then th~? vould
eseposit 1.0~ ot the eoet, and Mr. Ancl~reon Would gst bida on the i~ast,allation a~'
both Bell & Oalc Street sewers. The property owners Would then put u~ the
bAlance og the co~t and the severa xould be installed.
Mr. Anderson reported aomeone was interested in purchasing the old ~ustin-
i~estern motor grader and the Couneil agreed to the sale. He was to set a pric~
af $204.00 on the grader.
The sexer hook-up for the nex gra.mmar school xas discuased and a~otioa xas
~de by Councilman Simpson to chs~rge the school ~150.00 for the hook-up. Council-
man Feace aeconded the motion and all membera voted Aye.
Councilman Brennan reparted the traffic on Valley Road wa~ backed up to the
High School around 4:30 P.M. when xorkers ~ere coming off the mesa, and Chief Mise
said he would check and see if they ~ould help allev3ate the problem.
Bills against the General Fund for $1691.70, the Water Fund for #94orp~ and
the Sexer Rent,al Fund for ~22.75 ~ere audited, approved and ordered pzid.
No further business appearing and upon motion the aieeting ad~ourned.
~TTEST: 1 ~
ity Clerk yor