Minutes 1955-02-01
346 ~
Arroyo Cirancl~, California
Febrnary lr 1955 '
The City ~ouncil ~et in regu3.ar seaaion arith Maqor Burt presiding. IIpoa
roll call 6cuncilmen Fence, si~son and Brennan reported present.
The minutes of the previous regul.ar and Ad~ourned meetings xere rsad and
Co~ncilman Si~soa suggeated the method for arriving at the aexer hook-up for
the ~chool should be included in the a~inutes as Pollc>we; an average rrsideacs
xould ha~e six !'ixtures and the hook-up fee ~ould be ~20.Q0. Ths school hsd
approximately !~3 fiztures or around as many ~s seven and one half r~aic~sneee
~~20.00, so the hoak-up xas set at $1~tf.QO. These minutes were then approv~ed.
Mr. Harria reported that so far his findings on selling the Meea ~rvperty
~rould allo~ ths city to sell the property. The eity had entered into an agree-
~rsnt xith the statm and county on the property Which had be~n sold to th~e stst~t
for t~xas. The eity paid the advertising costs and intended to uae the lAnd for
a dwo~p site but property owners had protested so the matter xas dropped at tha~
Mayor Burt rsported the Couricil members had agreed to aonta~ct Xar~old S. Lem
to aerve as Councilman for the u~ex~ired term of J. C. Kerr. m~otion xas msde
by Councilman ~impson, seeonded by Councilman Brennan to appoint H, E, LeA aa
Counailman. ~ll members voted Aye. Mr. Lee xas then sirorn in and Mayor Burt
appointed him to esrve a~ ~~ce and Fire Commisaioner.
Councilman Brenrun reported the ~ounty had sgain requested per~i.saioa to
drain ~+at.er onto the City property from $lm Street etc. The county agreed to'
ramo~?+e the xater if the city ~riahad to use the property or if there xere a~,y
complainta. A sotion xas made b~r Councilman Brennan, seconded by CcuacilmAa
Si~npson to allcw the County to drAin the xater onto the City property sub~ect
to an agre~ment being draWn up by Hr. Harris. All ~e~bers vat~d '
1~. ~uderaon r~ported he had ari offer of ~200.OQ for the absolete 1~utxtin-
Weatern motor grader which the ~ity had ~nc? use t'or and a motion xas mads by
Council~an Breru~n to sell the ~et~r gra~r. Councilman Fence aecondsc~
motion and all ~eenbers voted ~ye.
It Was agreed to have A~r. Harrie ~rite t le~ter to the Bvard af
and as~c thtu to take o~er the maintsnance of the portic+na of ~Ialey~oa ~td ~i;Ch
are inaide the ~royc> flrande aiLp li~rl.ta.
34~ ;
Mr. Whisler zsked about water line to his property on Hil~~a~ Drive, s~nd
wsis infar~~ed he xould have to put up the money for the line or contact Mr. Brisco
and see if he would particip~te in the cost. He agreed to scs Mr. Brisco and if
the money was deposited with the city the line could be instAlled.
Mr. ~nderson was to check levels along the creek to see if there vould be
proper fall for a sewer line if it was thought best to put it in there. A.lac
Mr. Don 8owe ~.nd some of the property owners farther out had asked What it xould
coat to get sexer out thnt xqy.
Where the Count~ Health Dept. had reported the sewers ~rould have to be ~
installed on Garden Street to stlleviate the unsanitary condition, the que~tion
of xhat legal action could be t~Icen was to be reierred to I~r. ~arris.
The Fire Chief asked about racks for t,he Pire hose and it xas suggested he
check with the Fire Connaissioner before ordering racks.
w Proclamation for F;oy Scout Week was read and on motion of Councilman Brennan
seconded by CounciLnan Simpson and by unanimous vote the Mayor was authori$ed
to si~ the Proclamation.
The dinner meeting to be held at the Dunes xas diacussed and Councila~an
Breru~an reported on the progress so far. It had b~en agreed that Pismo Beach
and the City of /~rroyo Grande would share the costs of the invited guests.
A Resolution of the City Council of the ~ity of Arroyo arande
autheri$ing the cancellation of Water Deposit P~nd Warrant ~15
for ~l~.00. Warrant xritten in error as vater deposit had been
credited to closing xater bill.
On motion of Councilman Pence and aeconded by Councilman Simpson ~nd on
th~ follc~ring roll call vote toG~rit:
AYES: Councilmen Burt, Lee, Pence~ Simpson and Breru~n
AtOFS: None
~BSENT: None
the foregoing resolution wAS adopted this lst day of February~ ~955.
Billa against the General Fund for ~l~809.99, the Water Fund for $I177.81~~
the T~ter Dep.osit Fund for ~20.00 and the Sewer Aental Fund for ~159.8? were
audited, approved and order~d paid.
It w~s ~oved attd seconded that ~ouchers ~1t0 through 1~5 be authorised Por
No further business appearing mnd upon motion the meeting ad~ourned.
~ ~
it~ erk Mayor