Minutes 1955-02-15 . _ ~ _ ~
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~lrroy~ t~ande, California
Februa~r 15, 1955 -
The City Council ~et in regular session with Mayor Burt presiding. Upon
roll call Councilmen Lee, Penee, Simpson and Brennan reported present.
The ~inutea of the previous regular meeting Were read and approved as resd.
It xas reported the money for xater line on Hillcre$t Drive had bee~ rec~ived.
from d. Y. Whisler and L. A. Brisco. rir. Anderson asked about installing lt inch
line up to Siarra Driva and also 1Q0 ft. or so north of the Whisler lin~~-xkaile
the ~an would be doxn ~ith the ditch digging m~achine. APter diseussion tbe
Council reco~ended that only th~t part of the line p~id for be installed aov.
?~r. ~,nderscn rspartad he had run a gex levels and it ~ould be posaible to •
bring the sexer line along the creek to Branch Street. Sei?ers to the east ead of
to~a were discusaed and it was recoa~aended that Mr. ~nderscn report #.o Mr. ~an
Ratr~~ giving an •ati~te on sewer eosts. The Clerk was asked to send notic~a
te> :11 preperty oxnera on Huaaru~ Aoad and Counci].~an ~i~apaon reeo~er~de d the
~sting be aet for the aecond meeting in Mnrch.
. s
Hr. Harris agreed to xrite a letter to Mr. Beck ~sking the county to ~aks
care oP the maintenance of that portion of Halcyon Road xhich is inaide #~hr
city li~its. He also was to a~k Mr. Beck for an agreement form to be enterad
into be~~aeen the eounty and eity for allawing the xater to drain ofP ot ~7.z
Street onto the city propertp. •
Mayor Burt appointed Counei].men I,ee and Si~eon to see about the I~ss+tll ~
propertq which ~aa te be on the Msrch ~tth tax sale. Th~ property xae ta ba
acquired for park property if it iras agreeable.
The co~munication in regarda to closing oP t.he Customs office was dt~cua~ed
and it xas agreed to get copies of resolution from some oi the organizstio~s
asking to keep the office open.
~ Resol.ution of the Gity Council of the City of Arroyo Grar~e
to authorise the cs~ncellation of the 1 Reql Tax on the
- prc~perty purehased by the Arroyc t~ran ec~~~~Ieaientary School Distriet
and asaesaed in the na~e of J. Vard Lcoa~is, Gladys S. Loomia,
R. H. Minean, The].m~? Mineau, Maud H. Loomi.s and Chriatine B. .Zt~c~tie. ~
On ~aotion oP Cc~u~eila~n Pence and aeconded by Councilm~n Brennan and by the -
tollcxing roll call vote to-xit: -
/lYS3: COuneil~en Burt, Lee, Penca~ Simpson and Brenns~a .
NOES : ~ioa~
.ABS~AIT s Noae
the Yoregoing resolution xas adopted.
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Mr. Anderaon reported Dr. Wical had requested permission to install 6 foot
side4alks on Short Street a~ had been done on the other side of Short Street. It
was agreed to refer the matter to the City PlAnning Commission and a,lso ask them ;
to study the.report of the Citizen's Water Comraittee. ~
Mr. Anderson reported they could use some aerial photographs for the water
survey being made, znd also they ~ould need a survey crew for some of the xork.
A motivn was ma.de byr~lman Brennan and seconded by Councilman Pence author-
izing the expenditures^ for the photograph~ and survey crew. Al1 raembers voted Aye.
It wa~ agreed to tqble the hose rncks until the next meeting.
The Chief of Police asked perraission to purchase six blankets for the ~ail
cells so they would hzve extras when having blankets cleaned. After discussion
his request was granted.
It Was r~greed to ask the High School to fix the portion of Stanljy Street
which they had run their equip~nt on.
• Mr. Tor~y Martino Was present and discussed having compulsory garbage pickup.
~~ouncilman Pence suggested turning the m~tter over to the ~ity Plannin~ Commission
for study but no action wastaken.
It wa~s agreed to discuas a se~?er extension ord3nance at the next meeting.
Bills against the G~neral Fund for ~1718.5J~, the Water Fund for ~r91~2.08, and
the Sewer Rental Fund for ~21.00 were audited, approved and ordered paid.
No further business appearing the meetin~ ad~ourned.
ity Clerk Mayor