Minutes 1955-03-01 _ _ _ . ~ 35~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Arr,oyo i}rande, California rqarcn 1, 1955 ~ i The 6ity Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt presiding. i~p~r ~ C roll call Councilanen 7.ee, Pence, Si~son and Brennan reported present. The minutes of the previous r~gular ~eeting xere read and Councilraar~ I Si~eon suggestad that the ansount of ~35.00 to ~50.00 ~uthori~ed for aerial ' photo~rapha be included in the minutes, also Mr. Thrasher recom~nended tha word' _"Union" should be added_in Resolution ~325 so as to read Arroyo Grande Unicn I Elementary Schoal District. After the corrections the minutes were appra~d.` x~saLUTION #326 Aesolution nf the City Council of the ~ity of Arroyo Grande fAVOring the ereation and formation of a Division oF Marine affairs by the State of California. On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by said Gouncil~an Lee, and on th~ follo~ring roll call votes _ AYE~: Councilmen Burt, Lee, Pence, Simpson and B~ennan • NOES: None A$SENT: None the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted this lst day of March, 19~5• RffiOLUTION #32? Reaolution of the City Gouncil of the City of Arroyo ~rande, County of San I,uis Obispo, State of Californ3.a, that it ia desirt~ble and in the public interest, that United Statee Cuat.ame~ Ser~ice continue to maintain a full time Deputy Collector in the County of San Luis ~bispol~ and that the local office of the' United States Customs Service continue in the future to provit~s` full time service. On ~otion of Gouncilman Fence, seconded by said Councilman Brennan, ar~d on the . folloxing roll call vote: AYFS: Counail~aen Burt, I.ee, Pence, ~impson and Brennan ~OESs None ~,,BSENT: None the foregoing Reaolution is hereby adopted this lst day of March, 195~• The minute~ of the Arroyo Grande City Planning Commiasion xere read and the foilowing actiana takin by the council: ~ l. Motion by Councilman Fence reco2mnending the Planning Co~saion ~ke a stuc~y ef the garbage ordinance and franchise agree~ent as they~had requested. The mc~tion xas seconded by Councilm~n Simpson and all members voted ~,ye. ~ . . ~ ~~i~~~~`S ~ a 2. The request of Dr. Wical to install 6 foot sidewalk on the ~est side of Short Street was approved by the Planning Commission and on motion of Councilman Brennzn, seconded by Councilman Lee and by unanin~ous vote the Council gave their approval. 3. Mr. Wildman's request to cut down the parking area on ~ell Street was denied by the Planning Commission and the Council approved the action of the Planni.ng Commission. The Chief of Police requested information on insurance coverage on officers and equip~nt when making calls ~nd covering accidents outside the city limits. i~r. Harris asked the Chief to write a letter requesting the information. He would try and have an answer by the next meeting. `L'he report of the ambulance committee wasturned over to the council by Nir. Thrasher. Other members of the conunittee present were Tony Marsalek and Mr. Bruce Torgny. P'layor Burt thanked the committee for the report and their effor~s. There was some discussa.on and iytr. Harris was to get an opinion from the I.eague in regards to the city operating the ambulance outside the city limits, and report-at the next meeting. The council wished to study the report before having the report published and it was felt they would be able to release the ' report a.t the next council meeting. ; i Mr. Harris was asked to check with Mr. Barrett in regard to the Mussell property on the tax sale. Councilman Lee commended the Fire Department on their handling of the fire at the Co3ninercial Co. and the council members agreed With Councilman Lee that the department had been very efficient. Chief Bennett thanked Councilman Lee and Fence and all those hTho had given them assistance. Racks for fire hose was discussed and the Chief was to get estimates on the material need~d and Councilman Lee said he would help with the installation. The letter ~ras read from rlrs. Grace Thompson asking for gome work to be done on Stanley Avenue. Nir. ~nderson reported the High Schocl had smoothed the road up some and the city could put a little gravel on the road. Mayor Burt thanked Councilman Brennan for taking care of the dinner meeting held at the Dunes to seek improvement of HighKay ~1 on the Mesa. Councilman ' Brennan reporte d there was to be a rieeting of representatives from different organizations to assemble information and prepare requests for improvement of Highway #l by the state. . ~3~2 _ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ma,yor Burt recommended that Councilman Lee serve a~ council representatfve on the City Planning ~ommission. Th~ Council members approved his recommenda- tion and Councilnu~n Lee said he would be happy to serne. The request from Fire Chief Bennett for the yearly contribution was read and a motion made by Council~nan Fence, seconded by ~ouncilmnn Lee to hgve the warrant pAid at the next meeting. A.11 members voted Aye. It Was moved and seconded that the.Navy Recruiter by nlloxed to use the City Hstll for headquarters on ~+ednesday of each ~reek. Mr. ~ndersan reported the water department had installed an extr~ lt~ ft. of Water line on Hillcrest Drive. Councilman Brennan recommended that whe~re . a~tter ha~ been brought up and ~he Council has made a recommend~tion that the council's recommend,ations be carried out unless ~11 councilmen are Awsr~_ of any ehanges. The council members agreed with his recommendat~o~. _ The copy of San I.uis Qbispo Sewer E~ctension Ordinance xas di~cussed a~d . Mr. H~rris said he did not approve of the wording. After discussion, Coux~Ci1-? man Hrennan suggested that the ordinance be referred to Mr. Harris to dra~ up` an ordinance far next ~eeting. Council members approved his suggestio~. ' Billa against the General Fund for ~2885.30, the ~ater 1~und for ~13~..93~ • ~ ~ ~ the water Deposit Fund for $28.00 and the Sewer Renta.l Fund for ~27.70 Wa~'e . ~ ~udited, approved and ordered paid. . . It was mov~d and seconded that transfer of vouchers ~t6-1t?-l~8-lt9-~SK3. be approved. No Purther business appearing upon tt~otion the meeting wa~ ad~ourned.; , , ATTE~T : ~ - ity C erk ~Yor .