Minutes 1955-03-15 j 8rroyo Grande, California March 15, 1955 ~ ; The City Council met in regular session with Niayor Burt presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Lee, Fence, Simpson and Brennan reported present. The minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved as read. The clerk rezd z letter addressed to Mr. Harris from Howard Gardner of the League of C~lifornia Cities. The letter confirmed Mr. Harris' opinion that in order to operate the ambulance outside the city limits, the city would have to have an agreement with the county. Mr. Ken Jones had said he was preparing an ambulance to be stationed down here if proper arrangements could be made and Councilman 13rennan suggested~ and the Council agreed, to hold the matter over until next meeting to see if Mr. Jones would be placing adequate service here. A number of property owners were present to see about sewers in the Huasna Road area. Mr. Anderson reported it would cost around ~20,000 to put sewers as far as the Beck property and 3ust how the cost would be apportioned had not been figuaad wn~il they knew if enough of the property owners would be interested. It was agreed to get more of an idea on how the cost would be spread and apportioned. Fetitions could be circulated to see if enough property owners were in favor of the i.nstallation and how it would be arranged. Mr. Rowe had reported that most of the property owners on two blocks of Bennett Street had put up their 10~ for sewers and ~r. Anderson reported he could have the plzns and specifications for the April ~th meeting so they could call for bids. Dr. Wical and Mr. Wiswell asked the Council's permission to put in the sidewalk on Short Street Wi.th curb and no gutter as they had not understood about having to put in gutter when they had taken out the contract. Councilman Brennnn I suggested they allow the six foot sidewalk and the city to break out the curb returns and the contractor 6o put it in for the cost of the material as long as ~ i i there had been a~ misunderstanding on putting in of the gutter. A motion was then j made by Councilman Brennan that the owner be allowed to put in the six foot side- walk and satisfactory curb and the contractor replace the curb return on both sides of Short Street, the city to break out and haul aKay the rubble. The motion was seconded by Gouncilman Simpson and all members voted Aye. i~ir. Haml,in recommended the city council set up or adopt p1Ans for curb and gutters in areas where no subdivision regulAtions ~ere in effect and also that the contractor get curb and gutter information when getting plans to build. 354 ~ ~ F ~ ~ Mr. Jack Green nsked about an extension on the garbs~ge franchise as he- was interested in purchasing the garbaga business here in connection with another ares~-and xould like to know as soon as posaible. The council t~k planned t4 refer the stucty of the garbage business to the Planning Commiaa3.on. It waa agreed thsit the Council meet with the Planning Commiseion at their March 23rd meeting and also see iS Mr._Harris could atttnd. The Sexer Extension Ordinance prep~red by Mr. Harr~s was read. Cou~e~lnian Simpaon suggested that Mr. Hnrris be asked if a section could be added~ttiat changes or amendments be made from time to t~me b3r Resolution, otherwia~ this would be con~idered the first reading. It was decided to have clean-up week April 18th to 22nd. It xas agreed ths~t Toriy Doko be charged for txo minimums on water instead of three. The Chief asked permi~sion to attend a meeting in Los Angeles March 2$th and he xould like to t~ke Sgt. Richardson with hi~ for the day. Permias~.on xa~' granted. . Counci].man Pence reported he had been checking the xater budget and ravern~es and found the xater rev~enues xould exceed the anticipated revenue. In ~ri~t of that, he would like to reco~nnend that-the sum of ~2250.00 bc added to th~ o~~la~y budget so that a fo~r inch line could be laid on Fine Street from Sunse~t Drtv~ to ~ple Street and a six inch line on W~lnut Street from Sunset Drive to Maple Streat, to do a~ray with the dead-end linea and replace small lines that had bean cnusing loss oP revenue for sometime. • RESOLUTION ~328 . . A Resolution of the City Council to amend the water budget and add ~2250.00 to Cs?pital Outlay Por Distribution and also the s~a of ~~.~i '~for realignment of water lines on the high~ray whieh' ' had been paid for by the State. I On motion of Counciln~an Pence, seconded by Councilms~n Lee and by the follc~ing ' roll call vote tca-~it: AYES: Councilnien Burt, Lee~ Pence Sim~son and BrennAn NOESs None AHSENTs None the foregoing resolntion was adopted. Councilno~an Pence also suggested the Planning Co~rdssion be as}~ed to loc~k intc the feasibility of extending Valley Road to Halcyon Road and it xae ~g,~aed ~ ~ ~ ~ the Council would ts~lk it over with the Planning Commission at their meeting. Bills against the General Fund for ~2120.99, the Water Fund for ~1012.88 and the Sewer Re.ntal Fund for ~21t.50 were audited, approved and ordered paid. The Clerk ~ras authorized to take her vacation if it could be worked out. No further business zppearing the meeting ad~ourned. ATTEST : , Q~.L~.a ~ ~ ity Clerk yor . { ~ ~ ~