Minutes 1955-04-05
~ ~ ~
Arroy~ Grs~nde, California
_ . April 5, 1955
The City Council met in rtgulzr session with M~yAr Burt presiding. Upon
roll call Councilmen Lee, Pence, Sia~son and iirennAn reported present. The
minutes .~f the previous regula.r meeting were read s~nd appreved a.s read.
It ~ras moved, secmnded znd cnrried that April 25th ~0 30th be proclgimed
Public School's Week and M~~ror ~urt xas nuthorized ta sign the Fraclamati~+n.
Ambulance service w~s discussed and Chicf M3ze repmrted Mr. Ken Jcnes had
discussed Ambulnnce service at the meeting of the South San Luis Obispo Chamber
of Cammerce. JOnes had stzted it would nct be practical to place an ambulanca
here unless some Way could be ~orked out tc~ subsidize the operr~tion. He figured
the Amount to be subsidized would be somewhere between ~1200 and ~1500 per year.
A letter Was read which Mr. Hzrris had received from Mr. Qrossman, Deputp District
~l ~ttorney of Sant,s~ Barbara County, concerning the operation of the ambular~ca in
~ I~ompcc. There wzs some thought that a c~tizen's committee might be interested in
the s~mbula,nce aper~ticn. After discussian it was zgreed to refer the ~bulants~
operaticsn back to the ambulance committce and hold it oeer until next meet~ng ~nd
ask the committee te attend. Councilir~n Brennan suggested the cities oF A~*rsym
Gr~nde, Pismo Beach and Pzs~ Robles should ask the county to provide sex~v~.cea ta~ ~i
the ends of the ce~unty.
Mr. I?nders~n was asked about plans to call for bids on sewers in Weat,~rn
Addition. He reported not all the property owners had put up their 10~. Tt ~ras
agreed to $et es~imates ~n laying the B~11 Street and Wesley Avenue sewer~ and if
the rest og the Western Addition ares~ wa.s not ready in two weeks, tm go a~he~al with
Bell Street and 1~tesley Avenue. Mr. Harris suggested Mr. Anderson bring up tY~e
. s~dvertisement c~11inS for bids a~nd the letter he wa.s to prepare to Mr. ShstfPer.
Chief MAthes from the Piamv Beach Fire Dep~rtment presented an s~greement f~r
Mutual Aid betxeen Fismo Beach, Arroyo Grande, (~rever City and Shell ~et~ch.
Councilman ~~,~n mada A motion that Msiyor Burt be Authorized to si~n the,agrem-
ment sub~ect t~ the conse~t and approval of the insurance carriers, C~ia,ncila~n
Simpson aecond+~d the motien and all members voted Aye.
The request frem H. M. Andrews fmr an e~enai~n of twe years ~n the present
(~arbage FrAnchiae, as he wa.s pr~posin~ to buy out the present holder, Was read.
The ~;arbage service had been referred to the Plznning Com~ssian for study and it
: .
was ~greed to hold the rr~tter over for two weeks and N~r. Harris zgreed to look
up znd see if the t%ouncil could lega.lly grznt ari extension. Councilmzn Sirrq~son
m~de ~ motion, which was seconded by ~ouncilm~n Pence, denying the request t~
extend the present contr~c~. Al1 members voted Aye, except Councilma.n Brennan
who sts~ted he hzd not made-up his mind. Mr. Hsirris agreed t~ write Mr. Martino
t~ inform him that he must comply with the gzrbage ordin~nce And the agreement
and a.sk him to pzy the franchise fee for the present year.
The State~s request to the city to move water lines south of town before the
re-routing of the highway, w~s discussed ~nd Njr. Hzrris a~eed to l~ok aver the
encrozchment permits to see ~bout the cities responsibility.
Mr. Sperling had requested water service to property he ha.d purch,ascd frmm
Mr. Harkness. A motion w~s m~de by ~ouncilmAn Simpson, seconded by Councilm~.n Lee
to grznt the request subject to ~n ~greement, Sperling t~ be responsible for the
ba~ster pump and line with no service tm anyone else, also there Would be n~ direct
cennection to the rr~in. Mr. Iiarris would prepare the zgreement when he has the ~
descriptions of the properties.
McOsker's request for wzter was discussed ~nd Councilmzn Simpson stated he '
felt there should be a four inch line up to the property which lies an PriscillA ~
Iane, as there might be requests far service if the Water was put up the 7~ne.
They w~uld hane to put up the cost of the line before the line could be installed.
' It was agreed to continue the second reAding ~f the sewer extension ardinance
to the next meeting.
Mr. Iizrris was te zmend the ordinance settin$ the time for council meetings As
the council membcrs zgreed they would rather meet at 7:30 P.M. the yezr round.
Bills ngninst the Gener~l Fund for $It473.92, the Water Fund for ~2l~51.61~ the
~+~ter Deposit Fund for ~60.00 and the SeWer Rental Fund for ~1lt1.50 were audited,
approved ~nd ordered p~id.
On m~tian of Co~ci].man Fence, znd seconded by Co~cilrr~n Brennan, ~uthori-
zation for tr~nsfer of vouchers ~52-53-5~t-55-56 & 57 was a,ppr~ved.
No further business appe~ring and upon motion the meeting wzs ad~ourned.
.~T7'EST: ~
ity lerk I~yor