Minutes 1955-05-03 358 ~ ~ ~ Arroyo Grznde, California April 19, 1955 Regular meeting ef the ~ity Council and only I~yor Burt and Councilman Penee were present so the meeting Was adjourned to May 3, 1955. . Mrs. ~dna M. Schilling City Clerk Arroyo Grande, Cal,ifc~rnia ~y 3, 1955 Th~ City ~ouncil ~et ia regular sasaion xith i~ayor Bwrt presiding. Up~n roll call Couneilman Las, P~ac~, si~pson and Breanan reported pr~sent. Tha.• ~~~ea ~f ths. regular meeting of lpril 5t,h xere re~d and approwd aa read. The coamunication xas read tro~a th~ ~i~riaion ot Highxaya, aaking tbs Cit~r to relocate tbe xat.r linas south of toxn b~Yore the coAStrnctioa of ths ~ fr~exay. The 2" Zine fa ao~ serring ths •lack 3hannon proper~y u~d txo ~oters an ; the xobisoa property, xhich ar~ at present turued cfi. 1'he coat af ~a~oving th~ lines waa diacuas~d and Mr. Harria rraa anthorised tyo vrit~ a letter to the Diri- I sioA cP Highxaya and adv3ae them that rsgardltaa of xhat the city xonld lik~ to I ~ d~o, the Citr dct~a not hame lt~de xith xhieh to ~ove the xater line. I~,yor Booainger ot Piswo B~ach asksd ths Council about s aeetioa oi the Mutual Agrse~wt vhich had b~en prssented to Piaao Beach Council the night bet'ore, and his copy ?ras not th~ sa~s aa had bsen pr~~eatsd to the City ot Arroyo f~rancis. tfter diseuseing the ~eatter, Hr. Harris suggest~d the matter be held e~er ~atil the nwct m~sting. - ' I~ir. H~rris reccaasncl~d thit estisates on th~ installation of s~sra b~ing over ~21~30.Ot?, th~ bida be returnsd uaoperud. A~otion waa at~c3~ by GQUrci],~n Siapaa~ to return the bid~ ~opened and a lett~r ci ~xplanation ~hst t?h~ bids xers returnsd en th~ advic~ of ths Citq ,~ttorney; ~otion seecnd~d by Covacfl~ Br~ar~a~n and all meabera vot.~d l~re. Councilman ~renn4n ~ade a~otion to advertias !or bida on the inst~allation af aenrera and alao that Bsnnett, Rena and Al.pine be included aa separate units, the bids f.o be opuied l~ay 17 at $ P.M. Th~ motion xaa second~d by Councilaas Sia~paan aad all msmber~ votsd Aye. Mr. Harris agxeed to vrite Mr. Wilson and aak hia advia~ on the a~lling of bonds if an assesament diatrict ~aa to be forisd. ' ~~e~l ~ i ~ l~r. Harr3s also agreed to xrit~ 1~ir. Bsek asking hin to pr~pare an ag~~emsnt on the drainage ot 81m Streat. . I~h'. Nar'ris read the ordinaace prepared to chuige tha time on council ~eeetinga. H~ a18o`auggeatsd the SeKer Ordinance be hald over Yor further study. ' l~r. Harris resd the agreement prepared for ~n eaaemsnt for xa~r line to ths Spi~rling property and it xaa to be sign~d by ~pierling's and returasd to the ~ouuail for acceptance and th~n record~ed. ~ Mr. 8arris asked permisaion to leave the atate until June lOth, a~ad aaid lYilr. KAetsel xould bs available i~' the city need~sd him. On ~otion of Cotu~cil~ Simpao~a and aeconded by ~ouncil~aan I.ee v~i~ requeat vas granttd and all ~e~obers voted ~,jre. ~a.~~i /~..e.o~e~. m~~- ceJ,rp Ch{ef of Police 1~Iiae aaked pers~iasion to attead the me~tiiig in Stocktc~n M~?y 19th ~0 21at, and it xas moved and escoadsd to grant the requee~. ~ouncilman S~mp$on's letf,er oY resi~ation was read. He said he might bs able to attend the~ next ateeting ao the cowncri.l agreed to xait until the next aeeting betore talcing action on the resigaatioa. ~ 14r. Harris agreed t.o xrite l~irr. Kartino, advising hi~a he aiuat eo~ly xith ~he garbage ordinanca attd agrsemsnt and slso the tranchise for thia qear ~uat bs paid. `The payroll ~ruranta for Il~pril 15th - General Fund ~1715.2? and the t~itt,~ Fnnd for ~$92.65 ~?ere audit~d, approved and ordered psid. Bills against the (3en~eral F~d tor ~21t23.55, Wa'ter Fuad for ~2077.~.0 and th~ iiater Depcsit Fnnd for ~58.25 wer~ anditsd, approved and ordsr~d paid. Transfer ot' vonehers ~58 t.hrough 63 xere authorised on awtioa of Couhei].~an Sispaon and s•corid~d by CounciL~an Brennan. No further buainesa appearing upcn nation the s~eeting xas ad~ourned. , ATTB3T: ity lerk ycr