Minutes 1955-05-17 ~ , . ~ , _ ~ ~ 2~ ~ ' ~rr~g~ tirande, Califsrni~' ~ ~ 17, 1955 The ~itT C~ncil a~at in regular ssssiaa ~rith Mayer Burt presiding. Upia rell cill G~uoci].wsn I.me and Penae repsrted prese~t. C~uncilwnn BrenAan a~ri~sd ~ later. ~'t~ie ~ntes st ths previ~ns regu].ar weeting ver~ rsad u~d appr~r~e~ as r~d. Bids xers ~e~d ~n aa~rer i~tallation pr~~ects in w~sterr~ Jldditisn s~d taken vac~er ad~risement. 3chNl signs t?~ be isist,alled a~ t?he MargareL Harl~e ~chMl ~ere ~ be~ ~r~ier~d a3't~er ~r. ~aderssA ch~cked ~n the prices. _ On ~rti~n ~i C~uncilman Fence and seo~ncl~d by CeunciLa4n Lee j the l~;j~,~ ~d City Clerk xsrs autboris~ed t~ aign the sgree~ent f~r maintenuzae ~a~r !'r~t: t~tie Di~iai~n ~t Highx~rs. ChieZ Hstmstt's requeat for pnrctuse ~i tx~ M.S.A. aas sa~ks xas.disc~ssad and it xaa agreed t~ transfer ~50.U!4 fr~ I.abar, ~20t').04 tr~ t~e Miscal~w Fwad aad the bala~~ ~nt ~f t~he awunt s~t up f~r fire extiriguiaher~, t~ ~a1c~ asr~ ~Y ~he pural~use. On ~ti~ ~t C~nncil~n Lse and ~nded by C~u~i~ Pa~c~ it raa agreed t~ purctuiee the L~~ maaka. Th~ letter ir~a tohe A and M Disp~sal Ser~rice iaf~rafng the City C~~, hs l~d pt~rchaaad the t~r~ck a~d r~ute fr~a T~~ M~rti~», wa~ read and dis~sssd. l~. ~ndrapws vss fw be adviaed tha~ 1~Ir. H~rris ~~uld be back !~r t~he set~~rd ~ssti~g ia Jnns usd the Council v~uld xait uatil his return bet~re nald.~ ;a~apr rsew¦~s~lati~ru fir tra~s~er. th~diaaACe #~115 xas raad f~r t~~ seosnd time. ~ 4~DI1~tiCE ~115 ~t ~rdia~acs ~f t~he Ci~y ~t' Lrr~y~ t3ruide liziag the t3r tbe ~tings isr the City C~uncil ~i the CitT ~t ~rr~y~ Q~as~, and pr~viding t~' t.hs ahasg~ a~e~t th~re~f . bT rea~luti~ ~t' aaid c~uncil, and r aling ~h~se psrt~~iir ~t ath~r ~riin~ncss in c~aflict her t~h. Oa ~rtiin ~t C~~il~wn Hrennan, ~ec~~+ed by CwnaiLaaa P~ca, and +a ~ t~113,~nrimg r~ll oall wt~, ~-xi~t ~S: C~~ciL~ren Bart, I.ee, Psrice arid Hrer~ns~a 1~353: ~i~ne ~83gliT s C~nci]aan Si~pa~a . ~ ~ t~2u f~reg~iu~ Elr~i vas ad~pted. ? r~ti~8 tiraa aad~ by C~uacilaan I.ee t~ ic~ep~ the rssigaati~n ~~f~ . Siwps«n xith regr~t. C~t~ucilwan Brennan secoud~sd the a~ti~n and all as~ers ~nir#~e~i ~j~s snd rsa~s~t t.~at a letter ~f appreciatisa, f~r hi.s c~~peratios ~t rt'frrt xlil~ serriag ~a the Ciu~il, be t~ritt~. tlV~ C~uncilma~ Lee requested permi~ai~~ t~ l~v~e the State f~r the m~nth ~i Jurle, and it Was arved and secoAded the requesL bs granted. It ~ra~ ~greed t?~ have Zfay 31st and Jw1e lat and 2nd aa the amcmnd clean-up week. Bills against the aeneral Fund f~r ~1697.36 and thm water Fuad f~r ~837.t18 . vere audited, appr~ved and ~rd~ered paid. N~ ivrther busi~eae appearing, up~n meti~n the ~eeting xaa ad~ourued. •TT~T: ~ - • City lerk y~r 1rr~y~ aranale, Calif~rnia HaY 23, 1955 6:30 P.H. l~y~r Ht~rt ~net ~ith C~uncilmen PeACe snd HrsnTU:? t~ l~~k ~v~r the figures prepared by I~ir. ~nders~n ~n sever installati~s acc~rding t~ the bid sub~qitted by W. M. I.yle ~rhs xas 1~ bidder. ~la~ preaent ~?as Mr. D~n ~xe and Mr. Anders~A. 3~1r. ~ndera~n xas auth~riaed t~ ~eail ~ut lettera t~ the pr~perty ~mer• and a list be given t~ D~n R~We xh~ xaa reeeiving the nNney i~r the pr~~ect~. At the regular me,ating ~f the Csuncil gcti~a was t~ be ~ken t~ set up s~e refund t?~ Bdxi.n Nels~n if the balu~ee sf Larch~nt sh~uld later tuve the ~a~rera put in and h~oked t~ the We81ey Street lins. N~ further busineaa, the ~etir~g ac~j~urned. . ~ ATTSST: , ity erk ~ p~r llrr~y~ (~rande, Calif~rAia J~ 7, 1955 ~ Regular ~eeting ~f City C~uncil called t~ ~rder by Clerk. 4nly tx~ C~unciLeen ~being in trwn it xas agreed t~ ad~j~urn the meeting t~ Tuesday Jur~e 1l~~ 955 ;t S P.M. ~=~iL~.c • , . chilling, itq ler