Minutes 1955-06-07 ~ ~ C~uncilma~ I+ee raquested permissi~~ t~ le~v~e the State f~r ~t?e a~nth ~i y ; , June, and it W~s aaved and secoaded the requeat be gra~ted. ? ; It ~ra~ agree~ t~ have l~la.y 31st and June lat and 2nd aa the mecm~d clesua-up ~ ~ a week. ~ Bills against the aeneral Fund f~r ~1697.3b ~nd thm Water Fund f~r ~837.(!$ 1 . xere audited, appr~ved and ~rclered paid. N~ fvrther busi~eas appearing, up~n ~sti~n the areeting xsa ad~surned. ~ ; . ,ATTI~'3T: ity lerlc y~r Arr~y~ t)rande, Calif~rnia , ~'~sY 23, 1955 6:30 P.x. Hay~r H~rt s~et xi.th C~uncil~en Pence snd Brsnna8 t,~ l~~k ~vor the figures prepared by Mr. ~ndera~n ~n sever installati~n acc~rding t~ the bid subwitte~ by ; ~ W. M. Lyle who xa~ l~ bidder. ~18~ preaent xas I~r. D~~ R~xe and rir. Ar?ders~n. l~r. ~iderm~n xas auth~rised t~ ~eail ~ut lettera t~ the pr~perty s~era ani ~ li~t be givea t~ D~n R~We ~h~ waa reeeiving the m~ney i~r the prs~ect~. At the regular ~ating ~f the Csuncil gcti~a vas t?~ be ~aken t~ set up s~ue refund t.~ Bdrrin Nels~n if the balance ~Y Lareh~nt ah~uld lat~er have ttre aexers put in and h~ok~d t,~ the We81ey Street lins. N~ further busines~, the ~eti~g ad~~urned. , ~ ~1TTSST: , ity erk y~r Arr~y~ Qrrande, ~alif~rnia .tur~e 7, ~955 ~ Regular ~eeting ~f City C~uncil called t,~ ~rder b~y Clerk. Only t~~ C~uneilmer~ :~eing in trwn it xas agreed t~ ad~~urn the ~aeeting t~ Tuesday Jur~e ].1~, q55 at 8 F.M. ~~.e. , a. . chilling, ity ler