Minutes 1955-06-21 .
~64 ~
Arroy~ arand~, California
June 2Y, ~955 ~
The City Council ~et in regular eemaion ~r3.th Mayor Burt presiding. Up~t~ rall
call Council~en Dixsor~'and Brennan report,ed present. Abaent C~uncilr~en Lee ~C Fence.
f 7~'he ~inutea of the previ0ue ad~ourned meeting ~rere read and approved a~
Repreaentatime~ Prom the Divlsion ~f Highwa~a Were present and }~eperted th~
3t,ate ~ou1d advance the a~oney to the city t~ taka care of ~aoving the water lir~ te
Shannon's prop~rty, the Awney aould be paid bnek later r~rithout intereat. ~ft~ar
diseusmi~n the city agreed they vou2d serv~ xater to Mr. Shann~rn as le~g aa tt~e
line vae there bu~ did not feel they cculd spend the money t~ replace tha 1ine.
It xas reported the a~oney for aewer linea at the Oak and t3rand Unit and ttta
ide~ley Ave Uriit had ~11 been pu~ up and the Bell St. Unit xas about ready. Mr.
A~ndars~n reported he had talked t~ W. M. I,yle Ca. and they cauld not atart beP~re
.Tuly llth. The canncil could s~et ~n the bid at the July sth meeting and by ths~~
date Mr. R~~e could report on the Hennett Street callectione also.
Fire Chief Bennett asked for approval te~ appoint Bill Sini.th on the Fira I~pt.
his business being inaide the eity and he Would be available days Aliraya. The
council gave approval fcr the appointment.
I4r. Harris rep~rtsd I~,ndreKS and Momre ~rished tc~ be excuaed fr~m gut~i~ utp
the performance bond on the QarbAge FrAnchise as they xere bidding on t~he ~hel,~;
Beaah (iarbage Franchiae and they c~uld n~t put up bonds f~r both placea. There
xaa diacussion and 1~Jr. Harris ~aid Ordin~?nce ~100 could be amended givil3g ##+iuu ~
c~uncil aut~~rity t~ w~ine the perfarlnance bond. ~~tion t~aa mada by Couu~il~
Brennan uid seasr~d~d by Councilman Dixaon authoriaing Kr. Harria to drat+ t:p t~a~
an~endraent t,~ Or~ir3ance ~100 ta alloW the aouncil to waive the b~nd on th~ garbage
Yranc2iise carriera. A13 ~nembers preeent v~eted Aye, !
Iday~r Burt repmrted Hr. McCrillis had asked perm3ssion to sske a~me sh~~ges
tc~ ~he st•r~ room he had added to his place on Garden Stareet. It xaa re~~nded
hi~ request be referred to the Ae~lth Departanent.
Biila againat the Qeneral Fund for $2205.31, th~ water Fund for ~1071.96 and ~
the 3eWar Rental ~'und Por $71.72 were audited, apprmved and ordered pai~.
No further bueineis appearing and upon motian the ~eeting xas ad~otu~ned.
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