Minutes 1955-07-14 _
Arrey~ Gran~le, Calif~rnia
,rui.y il~, i955 - 8 P.
The City Ceuncil met in an ad30urn~d meeting with Mayer Burt presiding. Upon
r~ll c~i11. C~uncilmen Lee, Pence And Dixs~n rep~rted present. Absent Ceuncilman
Mr. D~n R~ke rep•rted he had received ti+e m~re checka ~n the sexer inat.illatien
fsr Unit A, ~nd Was stare several m~re wauld cAme in. The A,asembly of God Church
wauld like six menths t~ pay en their four lata and the Firat Baptist Church xtuld
like ~ year ~n their four l~ts. Zt was als• pointed •ut, there wae ene house ~n
Rens? Street and ~ne ~n Bennett Avenue which could be requireal to h~ok ~nto the
sexer an~ charged the h~~k-up fee xhen the line ~r~s installed.
The money fer Units B, D, and E had been dep~sited in full. After diecussi.n
A m~tisn was macle by Ceunci].man D3xson, secended by C~unci].~n Pence t~ swar~l the
contrnct sn Units B, D anal E t~ W. M. I,yle C~. On r~ll call, all n~~bera present
veted.~ye. ~A nution was then made by C~uncil.~an Dixa~n and aecsnded by C~uncilmnn
Penee Auth~rising the Mayor te sign the c~ntract f~r the sewer work.
Mr. tinders~n rep~rted Mr. Dillah~ had given him An estima.te ~f ar0und.~650.00 '
t~ install eqnipment te elfmins~te the trappe~l air Pr~m the xalcy~n R~a~ xell. He
w~?uld agr.ee 't.~ tAke the tank back if it didn't wsrk satisfacterily and the City ;
would ~nly be ~ut ar~und ~100.00. After eliseussi~n a aution was made by Csuncila~an
Dixs~n, sec@nded by C~unci].man Lee s~uth~rizing Mr. Dillaha t~ inst,sill the equipment
after he has given the City ~ Written guar~ntte. M~tien cs~rried`
It wAS recommended thAt ~ letter of cmmmendation be writt,~n t,~ the Citizen'+e
Water C~mniittee f~r their report, and the c~uncil agreed t,~ meet ~rith the csmmittee ~
Thursday Ju1y 21st at 8 P.M. f~r s~n infarmal discussien of the r~p~rt.
~ Mr. H~nlin requested permission t~? leave the sta.te and a metisn was made by
Councilman Dixaon, 8ec~nded by Councilman Lee te ~rnnt his request, l~tien carried.
IK~'. H+u~lin reported he and l~ir. Ander~~n had met xith representatives frsm t,he
Division sP Higt~xay And they agreed t~ give adequate r~ad~ay ~n West Braneh at
Vern~n Avenue. ,Also the Water line seuth ~Y town was being replaced by the State
frem th~ end ~f the 4 inch line t~ the pr~pmsed easterly highwa,y right-~f-way line
and then parallel with the easterly right-~f-xay line t~ the ssuth city limits.
On nuti~n ~f C~uncilms~n Pence and sec~n~e~l by C~~~i~~~ Di.xs~n v~uchera ~78
, thr~ugh ~81t xere auth~rized f~r tra.nafer.
N~ further business appearing, up~n mstion the meeting ad3ourned.
ity lerk y~r