Minutes 1955-07-19 368 ~ ~ ~ ~rr.y0 arand~, ca,l~:.t.~ia duly 19, i955 The City C~uncil met in regular sessien ~,rith Nay~r Burt preaidir~g. ~Jp~n rsll call C~unciUen Lee, Pence, Dixa~n arni Brennan rep~rte~ present... T The ffirnit~a ~r the prevl.~ua .regular and ad~0urne~ teeetinga were r~~ud .~i appr~v~e~ aa reai. May~r Burt rep~rte~ that there ahoulel be sam~eone.appointei t~ reprsaar~t the C~uncil at the S~uth ~an Luis Obisp~ ~~unty Harb~r Det~el~pment Aaasc~.a~.~, ~'he meetings are held tt?e first Friiay ~f eneh aanth. D~a~ 3haffer' xss $uggeste~i a~i the c~uncil stuth~rised Maysr Burt t~ app~int Mr. ~haffer t,~ a~ta~i an~ represeat tha c~uncil. . _ . ~ Tlie c~r~icati~n tr~M the B~ar.d ~f Fire Underwriteara t~ the Fire ~h~:sf ~aa ' re~li an~t dieeu~aeri. C~uncilman I.ee recsanaen~ted a letter be xritten aakiag •if a repreaentative ad.ght be c~ming through a• they E~uld discusa changea in t~e Y~re equipment. Ale~ ask if they suggeat,~d an~ther survey be ma~te ~f the area- ~i inPsrei them the city ha~ inatalle~l. a nu~ber sf larger ~ater p+ains, sn~i thmr.e xas a~~e th~ught ~f a b~n~i issu~ t~ raise money for a nex fire h~?use an~l:pt~er. Mr. Dillaha xas present t~ ~ti.acuss the inat~llatis~ ef a tank t,~ .e~~'~a the air frem the vell. He agreed t,~ ~uarantee the tank te w~rk t~ the ~~4i:sf~?~~tsr~ ~f the City Couricil. Mr. Dillaha waa als• ~ske~l to claan and put the pu~tp ba,ek in tha xell a~ it c~uld be uaai. C~ur~eil~ Hrennan rep~rteHi Mr. Ne~nnan ha~l aakes~ ab~ut the aity p~~ri~g Pa~cm Strest. After iiacusaiett C~uncil~r? Brennan agreed to c~ntsct I~r. Ne~aan ,s~l inf~rm him thers was ~ agree~ent t~hat ttte city xsul~ ~urfacr the streefi.~t~ Mr. ~n~ara~n rep~rtei S.adwig xiahei t~ have t~~r~ tw,t,er ~netera insts?11ai a~ hai agrse~t t.~ giir~e the city an er~~~ent f~r ~rater ~main al~ng their Wast= p~p~er'~y lin~ fre~ (3ran~ Avenue 1~ t~ the city's r~~eveir site e~ Brisa~ Hill. i~r~. ~s~afa~~ had teld tha~ they ~~u11 hav~e ta pay the Prontage en (3rsua Avenue xhiet~ t~hey -ag~aei t,~ i~. A n~ti~n xaa made by Councilman Brennan ts get an ease~nent f~r ~~pr~p~~l xater li~e t.~ th~ resev~ir site and f~rego the repay~nent ef the water li~e. sn ~ ~ Brises R~Ai anl iAetalls~tion fee fer tx~ water metere. They xoul~ p~y ~1.~0 ~er fr~nt f~~t ~n ~'ani Avtnue. The ~?tion vas .~eeonded bq Counaila~an Penas s#~~ the mati~n carried. - . . . M1: ~'he Trice family had reque~ted permission te heok a house in the rear ef their property te their water line but the council agreed they ih~uld insta.ll a separate meter. ' It was agreed Mr. Baldwi:n ~hould ps~y three minimums on his building lacated ~n Grs~nd Avenue which houses the dress shop, sh~e store s~nd other store. ' Budgets Were discussed but no final acti~n taken. Electi~n e~cpen~e for the coming spring electimn was tca be added to the Ad~inistrative budget. The p0lice budget xas discussed and the Council agreed they did not feel it advisable fi.~ ~ send Sgt. Rich.~rdaon t~+ the F.H.I, Acade~y at this time, they did n~t feel the city ~ could ~ustify•the expense. It was suggested the Chief get a pestpmnement the- sehool. It was als• m~re ~r less agreed nat t?~ purch~se anather ear aa the~r di~ net feel the eity was large eneugh ta warrAnt tW~ cars. The Chief reported he had receiveel word he could get his credit rating at the SpeciAl Schsol tn Auguat anel the expenses would run zround ~150.00 f~r the tw~ weeks. It W~s agreed t~ have n special meeting t• finish the budgets when the street ~nd water budgets w~uld be ready. The Couricil sat as a B~ard ~f Equalizati~n and there was a letter fr~m Mra. Ru~hing asking fsr ~ reductien in the zssessed valuation of their preperty. After ~l3scussion ef values -on ether praperty z m~tiun was made by Councilmzn Lee~ seconded by CouncilmAn Brennan t• deny a reduction on the a~sessad valuation. All members v~ted Ay~. Bills agAinst the General Fund„for ~1701.78, and the Water Fund f~rr ~837.08 were audi.ted, appreved and er~lere~l paid. N~ further business appea~ing the meeting ad3~urned. r , 1?TTEST: ~ ~ ity Clerk I~Iay~r August 2, i955 0 Only tWO Councilmen present so no meeting could be held. It was agreed to . ad~ourn to 7:30 F.M. August 9, 1955 and on that date the meeting was cancelled as only two Councilmen were in town. ~ ity lerk ,