Minutes 1955-08-02 . . . ~'he Trice family h~d requested permissi~n to hook a hause in the rear ef their property tc their water line but the council agreed they sheuld install a separat~ meter. It was agreed Mr. Baldwin ~hould pAy three minimums an his building located ~n Grand Avenue which houses the dress shop, sh~e store s~nd other store. Budgets were discussed but no fin~l acti~n taken. Election expen~e fer the coming spring electimn was tc~ be added ta the Adn~inistrative budget. The policc budget Was discussed and the Council agre~d they did not feel it advisable t~ sen~l Sgt. Richardson to the F.B.I. Academy at this time, they did not feel the city could ~ustify-the expe~se. It ws~s suggested the Chi~f get a pastpmnement ~~a the• sehool. It was als• m~r~ ~r less agree~l n~t t,~ purchase an~ther car aa they di~ n~t feel the eity Was lsiz~ge enough to wzrrant tWO cars. The Chief reporte~ he ' hs~d received xord he could get his credit rating at the Special Schsol in An~uat ! i un~l the expenses would run zround $150.00 f~r the tw~ weeks. It vs~s agreed 't~ , have a special meeting to Pinish the budgeta when the street md water budgets I w~uld be reAdy. The C~uncil sat as s~ B~ard of Equalizati~n nnd there was a letter fr~m Mra. Rushing zsking fsr n reductien in the zssessed valuati~n of their' preperty. After ' - discusaimn •f vsilues-~n •ther property z m~tion was made by Ceuncilman Lee~ ~ ~ seconded by Couneilmnn Brenn~n te aleny s~ reduction on the assessed valuation. A].1 j members v~ted Aye. Bills aga~inst the General Fund for $1701.78, and the Water Fund fdr ~837.08 were audi.ted, approved and er~lered paid. N~ further business appea~ing the meeting ad~~urned. ~ , ATTESTs ~ ~ ity Clerk l~f~y~r August 2, 1955 0 Only two Councilmen present so no meeting could be held. It was agreed to . ad~ourn to 7:30 P.M. August 9, 1955 and on that date the meeting was cxncelled as only two Counciliaen were in town. ' City lerk ,