Minutes 1955-08-16 r . , _ 7~ ct~ ~ c Arroy~c~ (3rande, California august i6, 1955 I The Cit~r Gouncil met in regular sesaion with Niayor Burt presiding. Upon ' roll call Councilmen Lee, Penc~, Dix~on and Brenna.n reported present. The ndnntea II oP the previoua regular meeting xere read and approved a~ read. I ; It Was agr~ed to write the Baard of Fj,re Underwrit~rs and ask thetr ~I reprea~ntative to stop in at their convenience as it was felt n~ore could be accomplished here than in Ssn Franciaco. Mr, Trice from Hslcyon Road requested the Council to reconaider in regard to a seeond meter in~tallation at his place. After discusaion it wia suggestad Mr. Anderson cheek ~ith Mr. Trice and report ba,ck at the next meeting. Mr. I,oren Ne~rman asked about improvement of Pecan ~treet and aaid he xauld be xilling to participate in the cost. He s~id if the street was surfaoed they might get F.H.A. finance on the houses. There was a lengthy diecuasion azkd Councilmen Brennan and Dix~on were to check into the matter and report at the m nueting September 6th. Mr. Anderaon reported sev~ral property ot,mera were interested in xater line~ . on Poplar, Spruce ~nd A,spen ~treets and the water report recommendatione were for 6" water linea. 3everal Council member~ a.greed the property owners aho~:ld have a contraetor in:t,all the lines recommended by the City Council. Mr. ,A,nti~raen xza ~to check on prices Por installationa of these lines. Mr. Harris agreed to check and report at the next n~eeting on filing for xstter rights. Mr. McCrillia'rmquest to install plumbing in his Ghinchilla houae ~a ! diacussed and it xaa agreed to allow the installation. RESOI,UTION ~331 RESOLtJTION OF THE CITY COUIdCIL OF TH~ CITY OF ARROYO (~RAAiDE, I~VYIN(3 TA1~E.4' P't')R TxE ct~xT ~scu. ~t,x i955-56 UPON ALI, TAXABLE PROPER2Y WITIiIN THE CIZ7C pF ARROYO QRANDE, APID FI%ING THE RATS OF ~UCH TAX. On motion oP Council.n~n Brennan And seconded by Couizcilman Dixson, and on the fol2~ring roll call vote: ~,Y~S: Councilmen Burt, Lee, Pence, Dixaon and Brennan NOES: Nons ~BSEI~T : ~ion~ ~ the foregoing'reaolution was ~dopted the lbth da,y oP A.ugu~t, z955• The Juna ~rater bill of Bill Bea.n far $~19.10 ~as diacnased a.nd it was ~ug~eated he be given extra ~ime to pay off his w~ter bill, as the water had gone throu~h the met~r. _ ~/1 The agreement prepared by Mr. HArris for a pistol range wAS reAd and ~ motion xas rr~de by Councilman Dixson and seconded by Councilman Pence authorizing . the Ma.xor to sign the zgrecment zfter it h~d been zpproved by the Insurance carri~r. Motion carried. Bills against the General Fund for ~5235•28,and ~1759•6~, the WAter Fund for ~2~33.l~2 and ~837.08, the Wat~r Deposit Fund for ~52.00 and the Sewer Rental Fund for ~57.92 were zudited, approved and ordered paid. On motion of Councilm~.n Pence ~nd seconded by Councilms~n Brennan vouchers 1 to 7 were authorized for trAnsfer. Budgets ~*ere gone over And a mumber of items wer~ cut out in order to get the budgets down to ceme within the estimated income. S~lary incre~ses were discussed and after discussion, i~yor Burt appointed Councilmen Lee, Pence and himaelf to ' go over the salarics and makc recommendations. It ~aas agreed that Councilmen Brennan and Dixson have ~ meeting with SuperM.sor Sheehy and Mr. Beck to ~ee if th~re could be some County participAtion on some of the roads used heavily for County traffic. Mr. Hamlin xnd Joe Anderaon were ~lso asked to attend the meeting. No further business appearing the meeting t~t~ adjourned. ' , ~ Attest: ity lerk Mnyor ' August 19, 1955 A short speciAl meeting wa,s called to hear the report of the committee a.ppointed to study szlary incre~ses. Present iK~yor Burt, Councilmen Pence, Dixson And Brennzn. Absent Counci].man Lec. Councilm~n Pence reported thc committee suggested the following inereases - thoae receiving ~356.00 per month rr~ised to ~360.00, those receiving ~336.00 per month to ~3~t0.00 afld the $310.00 per month to ~325.00. The budget was to be re~dy for adoption at the meeting Sept. 6th and al~o report on hiring another ma~n at the next meeting. No further business appearin the me~ting adjourned. , , ~ ATTEST: . . ity lerk Mayor I ~ ~ ~