Minutes 1955-09-06 r, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , _ P . : . . . . . . - . 37~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - Arreyo f~rand+e, CsiliYor~ia September 6, 1955 The Citq Council met in regular sessi0n ~rith M1ay~r Burt presiding. Uprn r~ll call C~uncil~en I.ee, Pence And Dixson reported present. Absent G~vnoil-' man Hrentu~n. - ~ The minutes of ~he previ~us regular and special meetings were read aend appr~~+ed aa read. - • , _ Mr. Andera~n rep~rted he had checked in reg~~ds te an~ther meter inatal- lati~n ~n the Trice pr•perty and s*id there was plenty of rmom f~r a line t~- be inat~ll.~d. Mr. T. W. F~ler, Mr. T~xle and L. F. Newman vere present to discus~ ?~stezr linea sn Psplar and p~rti~na Spruce and Aspen ~treets. They rep~rt~ed ut~derats~d the lines ~rould be installed if they put up the aum ~f $2.00 per f~~t sf line. The m~atter wss diseussed by the ceuncil and it was suggeated ths pr~perty ~xners sh~uld stand the full e~~t af the iines instead ~f the ~2.Qk~~per f~t as pricea have-increased since tht passing ~f the resoluti~n aetting=t~he ~2.00 charge. After a lengthy-discue~itn a.~~ti~n xas made by ~~uneilx~rt'~~n t~ tdTertise Y~r-bids ~n pipe f~r the ~~b, the bids t~ be ~pened Sep~.:~0, 19~~ at 8 P.H, and if the ~ney Was put up the pipe w~uld be ~rdered and inatalled. Th~e m~ti~n xas aec.nded by C~uncilw3an i.ee and all members wted Aye. The letter prepared by Mr. Harris regnrding the s~Wer thrmugh Mr. ~t~+rthera pr~perty waa read and a m~tisn atade by ~~unei].~an Panee, aeesnded by ~+euncila~an Lee auth~rising th~ May~r t~ aign in behs~lf ~f the city. M~ti~n earrie~d. The Mutua]. Aid Agreen~nt f~r Fire Depts. ~aa read and a a~sti~n ~ade b~r C~unci3.man I~ee, sec~nd~d by Ceuncil~n Pence auth~rized Kag~r Burt tr ai~t th~' Agree~ent f~r the City ef Arr~y~ Crrnnde. M~tien carried. Fire Chief Bennett asked ab~ut a n~tice t~ the proparty emer ~n the c~rt~er ~f P~~le & Bridge asking them t,~ cl~an up their pr~per~y as it Was a fire ha~ard and several pr~perty ~wnera had camplained about the danger ~f fire. After dia- cuasi~n the Clerk was asked t,~ ~rrite a letter asking them t~ hs~va the gard cleaned up. f3u ~ti~n af C~uncilman Penee and aec•nded by C~uncila~n ~ixasn it ir~?a rea~~end~d that the budgets be adipted as a~ended. All member~ preee~t' nted ~ye. aaaes f~r the Harv~est Festival xere discussed and it xas agreed they ~h~t~td be referred t?~ the Chief •f P~liee. . d~~ CaunciLnan Pence reported s0meone had a~sked about a four-ws~y signal at 101 and Grand Agenue. ~ signal had been discussed ~ith the HighWS~y At the ti~e the four lanes were put in And they felt the way it vas laid ~ut ~i.th islanda W~uld take cs~re af the traffic better thzn a signal. ~ Bills against the General Fund for $12t6T2.43, the WAter F~d fer ~1811t.38, sind the Water Dep~sit Fund for $32.00 were audited and appr~ved. Councilman Pence a~ade a ~n~tion, secended by Councilmzn Lee t~ pay the xarrants, and all members present voted Aye. _ . On motien of Council.ms~n Pence And seconded by Councilmzn Lee vouchers.~8 thr~ugh ~13 w~re authorized f~r transfer. l~tion carried. Sch~~l signs f~r the new Ms~rgaret Harl~e Schs~l xere discussed And Mr. ~ Anders~n was t~ call Mr. Beck, C~untq Engineer, as the signs ~ere t~ be placed eutside the city limits, after discussing it ~ith Mr. Beck he was t~.cnll Mr. Harris. . N• further business Appearing it was nuved and seconded the meeting Ad~ourn. . ATTESTs , _ City Clerk May~r Wm. ~~Connor and C. L. H~ward requested sectien 2 of Ordina.nce ~80 be changed t~ ~ll~w the cs~rd playing t~ continue till 2 A.M. instead ~f 12 midnight. After discussien Mr. Harris wa.s authorized t,~ amend the ~rdins?nce.