Minutes 1955-09-20 ~74 ~ ~ ~ ~ Arroyc C}ruxicie, Californ~a Sep~eaiber 20, 1955 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt presiding. Up~a roll call Councila~en Lee, Pence, and Brennan reporte~d pr~sent. Abs~lnt Council- man Dixson. The minutes of the previou~ regulAr meeting wer~ read and appraved as r~Ad. . ~ prc~clams~tion preps?red by the B. P.W. wAS re~d and on metion of Couns~~lm~n Brennsin, ~econded by Councilm~n Fence the Nlayor wasauthorized to pr~claim : Sept. 25 to Oct. l as National Businesa Women's Week. .Mction carried. Mr. Anderson reported Mr. Rice, ~ho ewns praperty on Ne~port StreeL ~i:d requested xater aervice. After diseuss#~n it was ~greed to have him put up ~1.00 per frcnt fo~t of his property and the cost of the metcr in~ttalls~t~on. The meter would be set at the end of the line and he would connect to it Por the present. This wa~ the ~a.y it had been hzndled for Mr. Ws~rdel]. on the pr~- perty next deor. - ~ . Chief l~ize reported the echo~l had requested a number of croas walke ~:rc~und ti~e new Margaret FiArlee Schuol and twa cross walks were to be established stt th~ 4l,].der nnd Fair Qaka intersectien. A m~timn Was made by Cauncilman Pene~,~eecand~d by Councilman Brennan to request the County to inst~.ll a stop sign on the NW c~r~or ef ~A].der a.nd Fair Onks, mc~ti~n carried. - - Mr. Hamlin had some prelimina.ry. plans for the freeWAy, showing hcw t.h~~r ~r~re pla.nning to handle the sewer lines on Valley N.oad. Th~ ~ouncil laaked the p3.a~aa over and discu~sed them with Mr. Fiamlin. Bida from Crane Comps~ny and Jahns-Manvill~ on cemeat Asb~stos pipe wera opened and tAken under ~dvisement until the property owners put up the mondy fmr the insts~llAtion of the xater line. A motion wa~ made by Councilmzn Brennan, seconded by Councilman Penca to ~pprove the transfer of the G~,rbAge Franchise from M,~rtino te the A And M Di~pasal Servic• and authorizing the Ms~yor to sign the ~greement. Mmtion carried. A lettmr fr~m the B.P.W. was read in regzrd ta trnsh on the city streets and the clerk ~r~.s asked tc~ get prices cn garbage cana sa m~re c~ns could be ord~red. It was reportdd th~ terms of L. A. Brisco stnd Claude Devereaux were az~g on the Pl~nni.ng Commis+~ion and ~ouncilnw,n Lee mAde a mvtion thmt they be reappointed for s~neth~r four year term, the mc~ti~n wr~s soconded by COUnci~m~n Brsnn~n and all mernbera present vmted Aye. , 37~ f Mr. Harris read for the first time ~n ordin~nce prep~red to ~mend the card table ardinance. Counci].mnn Brenna.n reported Mr. She~hy znd Mr. Beck would meet with Cauncil- man Dixson, Joe Anderson and hi.mself on Thursd.zy morning to laok over the streset~ to see if the County could pArticipzte or m~intain some of the ones used fmr heAVy hauling. Bills against the General Fund for ~1965.21 and the Water Fund fcr ~893.07 were ~udited, zpproved, ~nd ordered paid. Nc furth~r busineas appezring znd upon motion, the meeting was zd3eurned. ~ . ATTFST s , ` . City lerk Msiyor