Minutes 1955-10-18 ~~3'~8 ~ . ~ ~ ~ a ~ Arrcyo (~rande, Califcrnia ~ctobar 18, 1955 . The City Council met in regular s~ssion with Mayor Burt presiding. UpOn r~11 call Councilir~en Lee, Penca and Brennan reported present. Absent Council.man D~,xsern. . The minutes of the previous regular meeting wer~ read and approved as read. Bids were op~ned on the installation of sewers vn Whiteley and Poole Streeta. It Was agreed ta take the bids under advisement and Mr. Anderson was to notif~r ~ the property owners of the amounts to be put up for th~ sewers. When the iaaney was paid in~ th~ council.would let the bids. . Mr. Bon3c~ur!a appeal to the Council on his request for variance which waa . denied by the City Planning Commission was discussed and Mayor Burt asked if ther~ was anyone present wishing to protest. Mrs. Logue protested that th~ hcus• ~auld be l~ ft. in f~ont cf h~er house and felt it would loKer the valuation of her property. ~ Mr. Bon3our report~d he.had talked to s~veral people who felt it would improve the area ta have a house on the corner. L. E. Fernamburg said it wauld not be farther out ' than some of the houaes in the black or acro~s the street. .After checking thm ast= backs in the block and discussing it, the Council agreed to ref~r the varian~t back I ~ to the Planning Commission as the app~al to the Council stated he might be able t~ stay back 10 ft. w3th the house. ~ • i Tht Commission was to_make further investigation and report back to the Council ' and the Council continued the hearing until the November lst meeting. . • Councilman.Brennan reported he had gcn~ over the stree~s xith Mr. Sheehy ar~d ~ir. Beek and thsy had asked to have a 16 hour ear ch~ek made. They report~c~ their budgets were aet up for this yeax, but th~y might be able to give,some h~Ip on thf 9alley Road and the County Park Road. Mr. Anderson reported the car checks haid bsen made . _ Mr. Andarson repcrted N(r. Dillaha had not been able to do anything With,the Halcyon Rcad well and he would ~ce him right away. 2he request fer sewars on East Cherry was discuased and it was sugg~sted a 1ett~r be wr.itten to M. V, Williams to see if hc would.b~ interested in the sever oth~rr~se the cost xould have to be borne by the property owners on the north side if the sewdrs were ta be put in along the road. T. W~ Filer was pres~nt and stated the money was up for the water line oM Paplar, Spruce and Aspen Streets. Mr. Harris wa~ to draw up an agreement and Filer ~a~iul.d turn in the money. . C~~ t~ s ; A motion was made by Co~cilman Pence, seconded by Councilman Lee to ~ccept the bid of the Crane Co. for the asbestos cement pipe for the water line, the motion carried. Fir~ Chief Bennett presented a representative from the Seagrave Fire Equipment a ; Co, to discuss fire trucks and equipm~nt. Councilm~n Lee reported i~+lr. Swift from ~ the Board of Fire Undcrwriters had stopped in and they had discussed th~ possibility af rate changes if new equipment should be added to the present fire dept. A letter was to be written to P~'tr. Swift stating what imprcvements werc b~ing considered and asking what the reduction in rates would be. If it was decided to vote on a bond issue the information would b~ available for the voters. Bii3s against the General Fund for ~2180.19 and the Water Fund for ~852.33 were audi~ed, appr~ved and ordered paid. RESOLUTION N0. 333 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ARROYO GRANDE RELATIVE TO GRANTIPIG JURISDICTION OVER CERTAIN PORTIONS OF THE CITY STREETS TO THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO. mn mation of Councilman Brennan and seconded by Councilman Lee and on the follswing roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Burt, Lee, Pence~and Brennan NOFS : None ABSENT: Councilman Dixson the foregoing R~solution was adapted this 18th day of October,"1955. RESOLIITION N0. 33~. RFSOLUTIOiV OF TiiE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE R~4TIVE TO '1~HE APPOINTMF.~'VT OF A NlAYOR PRO-TEM. WHERF~,S, the City of Arroyo Grande has no person designated tv act in the place and stead of thr. regular Mayor when said Mayor is absent. IdOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that in accordaned with Section 36801 of the Government Code that I~Iaury Brennan be and he is hereWith appointed Mayor Pro-tem, to act in the place of and in stead of the regular duly appointed Mayor in the cvent of his absenee. ~ On motion of Councilman Lee, seconded by Councilman Pence and on the foll~wing roll call note: AYFS: Councilmen Burt, Lee, Pence and Brennan ~iOFS : None ABSENT: Councilman Dixson the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 18th day of October, i955• , . . , ~~i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Mr. Andersan request~d permission to attend the American Water Wark~ Cor~- ventimn in Sacrament~, October 25th thru the 28th. He thought the ~xpenses wauld n~t be over ~'js.00 and on m~tion of Councilman Lee and seconded by Councilman Brennan the i Council granted the request. ~ meeting of the Jmint Interim Committe~ on Highways and Streets, te be held in Santa Barbara Oct. 21tth and 25th wa~ diseussed and Councilman Brenn~n was t• attsnd the meeting representing the City of Arroyo Grande. Nir. Harris reported he had called Mr. Beck about the agreement to d.rain w~ter from Elm Street and Sunset Drive ont~ the city property. Mr. Beck said the District wttorney had been asked about preeparing the agreement and as yet no agreem~nt had b~en prepared. No further buainess appearing upon motion the m~eting ad~ourned. ~1TTFxST: ity Cl~rk Mayor