Minutes 1955-12-20
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Arrayo (~rande, Cnlifornia
December 20, i955
The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt presiding. Up~~t ,
roll call ~ouncilznen Lee and Brennan reported present. Absent Councilm~n Penee
and Dixson.
The minutes of the previous regular me~ting Were read and approved as read.
A letter was rexd from Miss Eva Hurd, County Auditar, reporting thare had
been a misinterpretatien of the sts~tutory amendment of the California State
I.egislAture of 1953• an error had therefore been made in the distributifln of
the traffic Pines between the city And the county. She requested the eity to
remit to the county $3299.86 and filed a claim for that amount. Aftex di~cussi~a
the~claim w~s referred to ylr. Harris as he wished to tAlk the matter over ~rith
th~ ~thcr city- attorneys in the ceunty. ~
~ ~ letter fr~m Andrew Renetzky requesting the City mf Arroyo Grande turn
the Mesa dump site back to the County if they did not intend t0 use it for thAt
; purpase. After disCussion it was agreed by the Cc>uncil ~mbers present t~ Y~old
the matter over until all the Council ws~~ present before makir~g a decision,
li Mnyor Burt reported he ~ad Councilm~an Dixson had not been able t0 conta~t
Mr. ShigenaYa in regard to renting the city property.
~%~uncilm~n Lee reported there hstd been a meeting at his house to discuss a
new fire heuse. Councilman Penee, Chief 13ennett, Joe Anderson and J. W. Taylor
had been present to discuss the pro3eet but Councilman Lee reported they would
not be able tv tt?ake a full report yet.
Mr. Harris reported he had checked ~he formation of an assessment diatrict
cutside of the city for water system improvements. He found it would be poasible
to have a district but did not feel it would work out too xe11. It xas agreed t~
discuss the change in water rates at the next meeting. The report of tha Water
Cammtttee had recemmended the chAr~ge in rates would help build up funds f~r
impr~vements. Mr. Harris said it would be possible ta pass an emergency srdir~nc~
to take effect immediately on final passage.
Gasoline bids from nine companies were opened and it wAS agreed t~ hold the
bids over until next ~neeting. The Clerk ~ras asked to ~rite the four lowest bidders
or the octane rs~ting of their gas and Mr. Anderson was to get prices on a~nc~ther
pump and see if the extra tank was alright for use if they decided to use bmth
regular and ethyl gasoline.
t~ ~ ~
Mr. Anderson said a representative from the P.G. & E. was to make a report
on the street lights in the Ad Wood Tract and Tract lt5•
Mr. A1 Spierling had a survey of property by the city reservoir site and asked
if the city would participai;e in the bill. Mr. Harris reported on of the churches
had agreed to participate ~nd suggested the ma.tter be held over until the next
Mayor Burt asked the Clerk to check on the time limit on the money the
Women's Club received for the portion of the park property which w as taken by the
Highway Dept. He was under the impression there was a limit on the time in which
the money would have to be used for building.
Bills against the General Fund for ~2339.~9, and the Water Fund for ~865.83
were audited, approved and ordered paid.
No further business appearing and on motion, the meeting ad3ourned.
A1T~ST: ~
City Clerk Mayor