Minutes 1956-01-05 ~8~
Arroyo Grande, ~alifornia
Jznuary 5, 1956
An informal meeting of the ~ity Council for discussion on water departm~nt
prmblems. No action taken as it was not a gegular meeting. Present were Mayor
Burt, Councilman Pence, Dixson and i3rennan. Absent Councilman Lee. Also present
wer~ Homer Hzmlin, Joe ~nderson and Don 1"'kElhany. +
It was suggested the City file a Declaration of Water Rights with the
Dept. of Water Resources. Mr. H~.rnlin said he would contact a Mr. Haycock to meet
with the Council at a meeting to discuss water rights.
There was a lengthy discussion on changing of water rates and policies and
it was agreed there should be a resolution to change the amount set up for
installation of lines as ~2.00 per foot was too low.
iUtr. Anderson was to prepare specifications for drilling of a new well so the
city could call for bids.
It was suggested the people from Brisco Hill be asked to attend the first
meeting in February. No definite action taken.
Nv further business, the meeting adjourned.
. ~
dna M. chilling, lerk